Chapter 79

2355 Words

The next morning, the truck with Steve’s gear showed up after breakfast. A breakfast where he’d carefully sat with his back to the angel. The truck was the smallest field version SkyHi made, assembled on the frame of an apartment-sized moving truck, a twelve-foot-long box, and a low, ten-foot trailer on the hitch. The trailer consisted of a hitch, two wheels, and a compact catapult launch for the drones. The whole thing didn’t look all that different from a snowmobile trailer, but with a few more jacks and features. The truck itself was the most basic rig, but with dualies on the back. All of the gear inside the truck’s cargo bay couldn’t weigh more than a couple hundred pounds, so the dual tires on the drive axle would allow him better traction if he ever had to haul up a logging road.

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