Chapter 73

2861 Words

“There’s no way you’re assigning me to some girlie-chopper.” Kee Smith had to look a long way up to see herself reflected in the major’s mirrored shades. Well, let him look down into his own damn reflection in her shades and see how he liked it. All he’d see was himself shimmering in the desert heat before the helicopter he’d rammed down through the dawn sky. herThey stood in a baking soccer arena, which was now turned into a baking forward airbase out in the middle of the baking desert close by the bloody baking Afghan-Pakistan border. Already, the tier upon tier of weathered concrete seating focused the heat on the bare dirt field like a hammer. No response. Crap! Maybe she couldn’t read the major’s eyes through those shades, but after six years in the US Army, she could read his sil

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