Chapter 28

1061 Words

Major Mark Henderson entered the mess tent. Tonight’s flight looked to be a long one and he needed to stoke up. He hadn’t slept last night and he’d already flown to the carrier and back this morning. He’d have to dig deep to stay on the ball tonight. The chow line stood empty, but a crowd packed around one of the tables. He grabbed a glass of juice and headed over to see what was up. “She’s on!” “Shh!” “Shut up, you mutton heads!” A bunch of the guys had a crush on Zoe Saldana, again. They’d screened Star Trek and Avatar back-to-back the previous week. The guys had become absolute hounds for any interview, sneak peek, or paparazzi photo. Happened every time. Last month it had been Michelle Yeoh, and the one before that, Marilyn Monroe. He’d always been a Sophia Loren man himself, though

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