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45. VULNERABILITY -KILLIAN "Am I a good enough reason for you to keep fighting for your life? Am I enough for you?" Kayla's words echoed in my head. I heard it in the depths of the subconscious world. I had been falling deep into the darkest part of it. The coldness had sipped into my bones and I was beginning to lose my life. Oxygen was no longer circulating as it was meant to be. But Kayla's question floated all the way down and found me. It reached my ears and warmed my heart. It was as if it was everything I needed to come back. To fight back against death. To swim back to the top. Her voice had reached out into the darkest pit and created a ladder for me to climb out of. That was when I realized that Kayla was indeed every reason to keep going. She was enough a reason for me to

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