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KILLIAN "The council is ready," Kelvin announced. I exhaled sharply. I turned to Kayla who was still quiet and by my side. "I'm about to announce to the world that you are my mate," I said with a smirk. She still had my robe on and the only thing keeping it in place was a belt tied around her waist. It was oversized yet still perfect on her. Her laps got exposed every time she walked and it kept affecting my senses. Kayla stared at me strangely and as if just regaining her senses, she pulled her hand out of mine violently. "What's wrong?" I asked seeing her sudden change of mood. "This is not true. You're lying to me. You're trying to lure me so that you can cage me!" she exclaimed. Kelvin stared uncomfortably from me to Kayla. Then he shrugged and said; "I should leave you love birds to settle your disputes." Then he walked back into the courtroom. I stared speechlessly first at Kelvin and turned back to Kayla. She was now giving me her hostile stare again; I chuckled. She might have figured out my intentions. But it was already too late. The problem had been to get her out of the presence of the moon goddess safely. Now that she was back with me, I could have my way with her as I pleased. It was the only thing she deserved. This was my revenge. "It does not matter if I'm luring or trying to cage you. What matters is that you're mine now. You are my mate!" I exclaimed showing possession. She scoffed and folded her hands. "I'd rather be your slave than your mate!" She spat. I smirked. "Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it," I told her in a singsong manner. For a split second, I saw fear flash through her eyes but as fast as it came, it disappeared too. My wolf wanted to go to her and assure her that there was nothing to be afraid of, but I refrained myself. One of these days, I had to have a good chat with my wolf and put it in its place. The door to the courtroom came open and Kelvin walked out quickly. He gave me a short bow and said; "the council is waiting." I acknowledged his words by nodding, then I forcefully took Kayla's hand and led her through the door. She tried to struggle but the moment the council members came into view, she stopped and seemed to subconsciously cling to me. They were all seated in a circular manner around the room and the spot in the center was to question anyone they deemed fit. Normally, I had my seat amongst them but today; I was going to be the one they questioned. "The Alpha King is here, show your respects!" Kelvin exclaimed as I found my way to the center. The council members stood up and bowed before getting seated again. There were five of them. Only one was a woman. The leader began. He was a tall man who had lived for as long as I could remember. Gerald was his name. "What is the cause of the sudden council meeting?" He began. I smiled. "I have found my mate and I want to hold the wedding tonight, right here," I answered. "What is the rush? We still have tomorrow and the day after," Blandine spoke up. She was the woman in their midst. "I want it done now, is there a problem?" I demanded instead. "Where is the mate that you have found?" Gerald asked. I pulled Kayla forward. "She is right here. Kayla, who is an omega is my mate," I announced. One man from the council abruptly got to his feet. "This is insane! You mean this woman who works at your pleasure house satisfying men is the mate that you have chosen? Never!" He exclaimed. I gritted my teeth and let out a low growl. My wolf was getting angry and I was doing my best to keep it at bay. The last thing I wanted was to lose control. "Be careful how you talk to Kayla because she is your superior. She is your Luna!" I shot back at him. My voice was still calm but I kept gritting my teeth to control myself. "The Luna is supposed to be pure. She is supposed to be a representative of the moon goddess. She is someone to be clean. This woman here is too filthy to be seen as the representation of the goddess. She is an abomination and a sorry excuse of a werewolf! She is a dirty slut!" The man yelled. As his words registered into my head, I lost control of my wolf. All I saw was red due to rage. Within a flash, I appeared before the man and picked him up by the neck. I began to choke him to death. The man struggled against my grip. I saw him go from pale to purple. His hands crawled on mine as he tried to free himself but all his efforts were futile. Every other person present got on their feet. I heard Kayla gasp. My anger had clouded my judgement. "In your next life, remember to watch your tongue before you speak. Remember to always respect your Luna!" I growled and broke his neck. I dropped him and his lifeless body hit the floor with a loud thud. The entire room went silent. I could smell the fear that had become so thick in the room. I gritted my teeth in anger at the realization of what I had done. I had allowed my wolf as well as my emotions to act. But since I had already done it, I was going to go with the flow. "Who else has something to say?" I demanded, breaking the thick silence like a sword that had sliced through the air. There was no response from every of them. They were too scared to say a word. "I'll take your silence as a response. Now, can we have the wedding?" I asked. "I— it would demand for more time. We need to make the necessary preparations and make it right," Blandine stuttered. "I do not need any preparations. All I need from you all is to stand as witnesses of the occasion and complete the wedding," I ordered. "But you are the Alpha of Blackstone. You deserve a grand and honorable ceremony. You deserve to—" Blandine continued but I cut her off. "Are you objecting?" I demanded and shot her a dangerous glare. "We will have the ceremony now," she said instead in defeat. "I believe Gerald can coordinate the ceremony. Make it as quick as possible," I instructed. I turned to Kelvin and raised my brows at him. He nodded in response. The priest was already here. I had told him earlier to get him. "Let him in," I ordered. Kelvin bowed and pulled the door open. The priest walked in still dressed in his robes. Kelvin ushered him to the center. Kayla looked overwhelmed but she remained silent. Gerald got down from his seat and came to stand before Kayla and I. I tightened my grip on Kayla and waited for him to speak. The priest stood wordlessly by our side as he watched. "In the name of the Moon Goddess, I shall begin the wedding ceremony," Gerald paused and stared at the both of us. "The bond of mates is a great bond. It is a lifetime commitment. It is a blood oath made in the presence of the goddess according to her choosing. Are you sure you want to go ahead with it?" He asked. "I am ready to keep Kayla by my side for the rest of her life," there was an evilness in my tone as I spoke. I was getting excited just thinking of all the things I would do to her when we became alone. She was going to wish she never met me. There was a long pause as Gerald waited for Kayla to speak. "And you miss. . .?" I squeezed her wrists even tighter. She had to know that her survival depended on her answer. I was hurting her hand deliberately. "Yes. . .I do," she answered slowly. I caught the pain in her voice. It was coupled with defeat. It hurt me too but I quickly brushed the feeling away. Gerald bowed to both of us and gestured at the priest to finish up. He stepped back and allowed the priest to take the lead. The priest stepped forward and revealed his moonstone. It began to glow and his body trembled with the power it possessed. It cackled with electrical surges and again, I felt Kayla cling to me. "The Moon Goddess has seen your union and she has blessed it. It is according to her wish and she hopes you two protect and love each other. Therefore! I pronounce thee Mated!" He roared. As he said the words, I felt a new energy surge within me. I felt a new bond and connection with Kayla. There was a new set of emotions ruling my heart and on closer observation, I realized that they were not mine. They were Kayla's. I felt my eyes water due to the pain, confusion, nervousness, longing that was imbedded in the emotions. It was overwhelming. I fought for control. My wolf was becoming dominant again. The moonstone stopped glowing. Like a door had been shut within me, the emotions stopped. That was when I regained control of my senses. The priest cleared his throat as of to gain my attention. We both turned our heads to him. “You have to kiss her to finalize the union,” he shout whispered to me. I exhaled sharply and abruptly pulled Kayla towards me. She stared at me with wide eyes and without a word, I closed the distance between us. I kissed Kayla. . .
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