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KAYLA I was stuck with Killian for the rest of my life. . . The moment the priest pronounced us mated, the moment Killian crashed his lips possessively against mine; I knew that there was no going back. Killian kept me in place with his strong hand as he remained with his lips against mine. I was too shocked to move so I let him have his way with me. I wanted to scream at myself to fight him off but my wolf wanted to stay. Eventually, he broke away from me while still holding on to my hand. He turned to face the council and said; “this meeting is dismissed!” His voice carried authority and the fear that still lingered in the air from Killian’s previous actions left the council members without any objections. Killian pulled me out of the room without caring if they were leaving or not. He winked at Kelvin and continued out the door. I was not sure where he was taking me and I was not waiting to find out. “Where are you taking me?” I demanded firmly. “Have some patience dear mate, you’ll soon find out,” Killian answered and I caught the sarcasm in the way he said ‘dear mate.’ I remained quiet as he dragged me through the hallways of his palace. He led me up stairs and past many doors until we came to a stop before one. He pushed the door open and dragged me in. It was when I got in that I realized it was supposed to be his room. The room was grand. There was a small lounge before walking into the main room. Inside the main room was a grand circular bed with silk bed covers. It was illuminated with different candlelights and it almost looked enchanting. Everything about the room screamed luxury and for the first time, I realized that my clothes and were not fit for the place. “What are we doing here?” I asked but I realized it was a stupid question right after it left my lips. Killian stopped and turned to stare at me. There was a smirk and an amused look on his face. “It's funny you asked. What else could we possibly be doing if not what mates do on their first night together?” He answered my question with another question. I stiffened at his reply and took a step backward. “I’m not having s*x with you!” I shot back. Killian chuckled. He was just too confident; too arrogant. “You make it seem as if you have a choice,” he told me and sat on his bed. “It seems you don’t know what’s at stake here. It’s essential that you give me an heir as soon as possible so that the wrath of the goddess would not befall us,” he explained. I suddenly broke into laughter, surprising even myself. Killian stared at me with raised brows. “What is so funny?” He asked. “The fact that you think I would care what the goddess does to you if you fail to fulfill her wishes is hilarious. Let me say it out loud so that it is registered into your brain. I do not care what happens to you Killian!” I exclaimed and stared at him defiantly. I could be weak. I could be helpless. I could be without a choice but that did not mean I was going to let it break me. Killian narrowed his eyes at me for a long time without saying a word. After long tension filled seconds, he broke away from the intense gaze and chuckled. Then he got to his feet and towered above me even from the distance between us. “You might not care about me, Kayla but you will produce an heir for me by the next Red Moon. If you do not, I will make your life a living hell and you will question why you were born into this world,” he threatened me. A grin crept up his face. It made him look like an handsome demon. His threat registered into my head and sank deep within. This was not the first time I was been threatened. I had gotten used to it already but this threat affected me; it got to me. Was this because Killian was my mate? Suddenly, Killian smirked— while maintaining eye contact with me— and took off his shirt. This revealed his massive body. I took in the perfect contour of his chest. The ups and downs that made up his abs. The strength that was buried within those massive shoulders and muscles. If sexy was a man, then Killian would be it. I swallowed the bile that had risen up my throat and I felt my wolf stir again. It wanted to pounce on him. It was as if his body screamed protection for any woman who would run into them and I just knew that I wanted the protection it had to offer me. It took every ounce of my will to stay put. I felt a sudden ignition of lust within me yet I fought so hard to bury it at the darkest part of my mind. Killian’s smirk only grew wider as he bore his gaze into mine. He could sense the battle I was fighting against him. He knew how much he was affecting me and he was enjoying watching my dilemma. His icy blue eyes began to glow and I felt a conscience tapping into my head. When I realized what was happening, I gasped. Killian was using our mate bond to seduce me and it was working! My wolf jumped uneasily within me. It wanted to take the lead since I was resisting Killian. I tried to break eye contact from the glowing blue orbs that stared at me but I could not. I suddenly felt vulnerable under his gaze. It was as if he could see right through me. As if he could uncover all my deepest and darkest secrets just by gazing upon me. I was beginning to lose the battle for my resolve was weakening. Killian swiftly pulled his pants down and revealed his hardness. I gasped at how erect it had become. His eyes burned with lust, they became a darker shade of his usual eye color. I could tell he wanted me and the sight of him caused hot liquid to sip out from between my legs. It was one thing seeing a man naked and it was another thing seeing your fully aroused mate— naked. My own desire only grew stronger and I felt my lips begin to tremble from the shear intensity of my hunger for him. I took another step back subconsciously and Killian began to slowly approach me like a hunter that was waiting to pounce on his prey. As expected, I kept retreating backwards and Killian did not stop either. My back finally hit the wall and that was when I knew I had run out of room to escape. Killian kept coming until he reached me. I tried to step aside but he crashed both his hands on the wall either side of me so that I had no escape route. “Where do you think you’re going? You’re mine Kayla,” he whispered. He was so close; so close that I felt the air from his breath hit my lips. It caused shivers to run down my spine. I grabbed my robe and tightened my grip on them. It was all I could do to resist Killian’s great aura. Killian had the upper hand. The odds were against me. He bent over to my ear and bit it. Another violent shiver ran down my spine. “I know you want me just as bad as I want you,” he whispered in a husky voice and I knew his words were true. “Stop fighting me. Let me in. Let me have you. Let us satisfy our hunger for each other,” he whispered. “No. . .” I breathed but was disappointed at how weak I sounded. I had thought it would come out firm and full of energy but Killian was weakening me. His teases were getting to me. Killian chuckled softly in my ears and the sweet sound of it caused more liquids to flow out of me. For a moment, I wondered how it would feel to have Killian’s lips down there sticking his tongue deep into me over and over again. “I can smell the sweet juices sipping out from under you. . .” He whispered into my ears again and sucked on my earlobes. A moan escaped my lips before I could stop it and I clenched my fists even harder. “Stop. . .” I managed to whisper but my voice came out breathless. I immediately regretted even trying to speak. It sounded more like an invitation for Killian to continue teasing me. Killian let out a low growl and caressed my neck with his warm lips. The heat from his breath and his warmth caused tingling sensations to follow each spot he trailed with his lips. I let out a sudden hiss and Killian continued to trail his lips down my neck until he got to the fabric of my robe. He stopped and looked up at me. I could see the burning lust in his eyes clearly now. They began to glow again and I could tell that he was getting excited. His hands came to my waist and slammed me harder against the wall. He touched my chin and lifted my face up so that we did not break eye contact. Then he slowly brought his lips to my already parted lips. I was not prepared for the warmth that hit me. My once open eyes came shut immediately as Killian began to move his lips against mine. I could tell he wanted to roughly claim my mouth but he was holding back and taking me slowly. His lips felt soft as they moved professionally against mine. When I could take it no more, I kissed him back. I did not know it when I wrapped my hands behind his neck until it was already too late. Tonight was indeed going to be a long night.
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