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KILLIAN I burned with rage. My body began to tremble with anger. My breathing became heavier with every second. I remained standing as I stared at the door which Kayla had disappeared through. Miles approached me and was about to place his hand on my shoulder, probably to show some form of support but I could see right through his actions. He only wanted to mock me in secret. “Don't you dare lay a finger on me!” I cut him off. Miles flinched at my tone and shyed away to the other alphas. They all stared at me as if I had become unstable. I had to get rid of all of them. They were of no use to me. “This party is dismissed! Everyone out!” I exclaimed still burning with rage. The Alphas stared at me in surprise. The women in the room also looked confused. No one was moving or trying to heed to my command. Had I become a joke to them because I had been slapped? Had they all forgotten their places? Had they forgotten already that I was their Alpha King? “I said everyone LEAVE! GET OUT! NOW!” I roared in anger. The authority in my voice alone was enough to make them succumb. They all hurried out of the room, including the Alphas. I was left all alone in the space. I stared at nothingness and began to grit my teeth in anger. My nose flared up and down with every angry intake of breath. I felt like I could tear the world apart with this rage. “How dare she raise her fingers at me?” I yelled. In all my years of living, no one had ever succeeded in getting me this angry. “Who gave her the audacity!” I roared. I turned to the sofa behind me and spotted the glass table in the center. I lifted the table high up in the air and launched it at the far end of the room. It went crashing down at the center and half of it shattered. It let out an exploding glass shaterring sound. It did not make me feel any better. She had hurt me in the past before and today again, she had dared to raise her fingers to me! “How could she slap me!” I roared again. I went to the wall and smashed my fist into it. The wall cracked under my great power and strength. “She had the audacity to taint my beautiful physical features with her filth!” I yelled and landed another blow to the wall. It was hurting my fingers but I did not care. The rage I felt burned me than the pain on my fingers. This time, I was not only going to reject her. I would kill her with my bare hands. I needed to kill her. I pictured myself grabbing her by the neck and squeezing all the life out of her. I knew it would bring me satisfaction. All they had to do was find her and bring her to me. As if on cue, a guard walked into the room and stopped before me. He was the head of the security guards and had a good rank in the Blackstone pack. “My Alpha, there was a problem,” he began. He was dressed in a black over all uniform. It had many pockets that he probably used to carry things for fighting. He had big boots on just like Darius did. The smile that had started to form on my face slowly faded away. The coldness in my eyes got stronger as I stared at him. “What happened, Paul?” I demanded with every authority. “The woman seems to have some sort of protection from the moon goddess. We could not find her anywhere,” he finally said. I gave him a death glare. “What?” It was at this point that I smelt the fear off Paul. He had been too calm earlier on and now, he understood the gravity of the matter. I approached him and landed a hand blow to his face. I could have sworn I heard his jaw break. The force of my punch sent him reeling to the floor. The metallic smell of blood hit my nose just as he spat it out. I bent over him and gave him instructions. “Get me the priest, you bastard! Get him now!” I yelled. Paul who was now trembling under my aura got to his feet immediately and dashed out of the room. “You think you're so smart, Kayla? You think you can escape me? Wait until I catch you and give you a painful death!” I exclaimed. I stood up and walked back to my previous seat and I sat myself in it. I outstretched both my hands and rested them on the armchairs. I waited patiently for the priest to show up. It was time to show Kayla that I had the upper hand and I always got what I wanted in the end! It wasn't long before the priest showed up at the door. He was dressed in a long black robe and his head was devoid of any hair. Not even eyebrows could be seen on him. He looked like a dead person. He slowly walked up to me and bowed. “My Alpha, how may I be of service?” he asked in a husky voice. “I'm very sure that news have reached your ears of the supposed mate of mine who dared to raise her fingers to me?” I demanded. The rage was slowly building again yet my wolf jumped at the acknowledgement of calling Kayla my mate. It was as if it wanted me to be by her side. Which was totally ridiculous. “Yes I have, my Alpha,” the priest answered obediently. “I want you to find her. Find her now,” I ordered. The priest nodded and revealed his moonstone. He retrieved it from within his robe and started to whisper to it. His words were inaudible so I could ear nothing, even though I had stronger ear senses. Suddenly, the blue moonstone began to glow a bright color. A surge of electricity sparked out of the stone and the priest jolted his head at the ceiling. It was as if he was being electrocuted. His entire body vibrated. I only sat there and did nothing. This was the price he had to pay for seeing visions. Eventually, the light from the stone died down and the priest fell to the floor. Slowly, he sat up and stared at me with blood shot eyes. “What did you see?” I demanded. “A curse,” he began in a shocked and pained voice. It was almost as if reliving the memory was hurting him. “What do you mean by a curse? I asked you to find that brat! Not some curse!” I yelled at him. “The Moon goddess has cursed the Blackstone pack under your reign! Her wrath has befallen us and we would soon begin to crumble under her anger! She will kill us all!” the priest yelled in an high pitched voice. Shock seized me as I listened to him. What he said could not be possible. The moon goddess herself had saved me today. She had given her consent for taking the throne. Suddenly, Kayla’s angry words came back to me. “Don’t you ever dare utter such disrespectful words to me. You do not deserve that title as an Alpha King. I hope that you rot away and die where no one would ever find you or save you!” No! This could not be true. Kayla could not be right! I deserve my title as Alpha King! The moon goddess accepted me! The priest’s words are fake! In anger, I zoomed towards the priest and swiftly picked him up my the neck. I raised him off his feet and slammed him into the nearest wall. “Your prophecy is fake! I asked you for something else and you did the total opposite! You deserve to die for this!” I roared with rage. The priest began to choke. His already pale face started to turn purple. He struggled against my murderous grip and the light was beginning to leave his eyes. “T— there is— a w— way to st— stop it. . .” he managed to say while stuttering. I did not listen to his plea. I continued to wring the life out of him. My rage had take over. I wanted him dead. “K— Kayla can. . .” he continued. The moment the name Kayla registered into my brain, my wolf took over and forced me to release him. The hand I was using to kill him suddenly went weak and I let him go. The priest dropped to the ground and started a series of dry coughs. I growled at my wolf and I fought to take back control. It was as if my conscience was sliced into two. The part that wanted to humiliate and kill Kayla badly and the part that craved her entire being. My wolf wanted her but I wanted to end her. Once the priest recovered, he began to speak again. This time he spoke slowly as his voice was not strained. “The only way you can stop the moon goddess’ wrath upon us is if you and Kayla mate so that you can produce an heir. This must also happen under the next red moon. If you miss this opportunity, then you will have failed and will be the cause of the destruction of the Blackstone pack!” the priest finally finished in a high pitched tone. I stared at the priest in disbelief. First due to the audacity he still had at yelling at me shamelessly, then because of the prophecy that had befallen me through him. Next, irritation and disgust sipped in. The fact that I had to mate with Kayla and produce an heir that would have her filthy blood run through his veins was killing me. Then again, my wolf was more than happy and excited at the news. It did not have to fight me to get Kayla. It knew that I would succumb to the moon goddess’ wishes. “She is still in the woods at the place where the moon meets the trees. A sacred ground of our beloved moon goddess. She is protected by her,” the priest finished. “Thank you for the information. I will inform my competent guards!” I finished and dismissed him. I was going to do as the moon goddess wanted but on my own terms. A wicked smile slowly crept up my face. It was going to be fun watching Kayla suffer at my hands.
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