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KAYLA I have always known only pain and suffering. My greatest sin and the reason for my pain was the fact that I was born an omega. Omegas were werewolves ranked at the bottom of the pack. Thus, they were subjected to disrespect, abuses as well as maltreatments. Memories of my childhood remained a haunted void of darkness. It was a place I did not crave or wish to dwell in. It was a place I could not dare to relive. At ten, I was abused by a powerful pack member and no one could stand up for me. This caused the further humiliation of my parents, so much so that they had to dump me away at an orphanage. But of course, the disrespect did not end there. At eighteen, I was illegally sold off as a s*x slave and I was further abused consequently. During those periods, I wished I could just die but death never came. Then I wished for a savior but a savior never came. So I took matters into my own hands and sort to set myself free from my master. I poisoned him and escaped. Unfortunately, I landed in the hands of more s*x slave traffickers. They abused me first before selling me off to a famous pleasure house situated at the depths of the grand palace. It was at that point I knew that I could never have freedom. Omegas like me were not meant to enjoy freedom. It was just too luxurious. We were born to only suffer and I had cried enough. There was no use crying over something that was never going to change. So I accepted my hell in the grand pleasure house. I found a way to live with it and I was doing just fine, until Killian Stone showed up. I spotted him at the most important seat of this pleasure house. He was seated in all his glory. His icy blue eyes stood out from the rest of his pale skin. His dark curls stayed perfect at the top of his head. His body remained the main attraction of all women’s eyes and his beauty remained his most outstanding feature. He was the explanation of beauty itself but I knew better than to dwell in it. It was just too dangerous and it could cost me everything. Yet the more we gazed into each other’s eyes, the more I felt myself getting pulled into his dangerous aura. Soon enough, I began to feel myself drowning in it and my wolf suddenly craved his touch. I wondered if he was going to feel warm. Killian abruptly got to his feet. “Mate!” He growled. Shock hit me hard and like an occurring earthquake, I felt my world crumbling apart. The shock was enough to snap me out of my reverie. It was enough to pull me out of the eyes that I had been drowning in. Yet my wolf craved for more. My body reacted to the call and I almost felt myself answering the mate call. No! I would never answer his call. Did it have to be him? There were billions of people on this earth yet I was the only one Killian had proclaimed as his mate! Killian Stone was one of the reason my life had turned out the way it did! His family had played a great part in my demise and Killian Stone had done totally nothing about it! He abandoned me to face the world alone! Now, my earlier fantasies were gone. My wolf was back in check and all I felt was rage and hate for Killian. He had every opportunity to save me back then but he turned his back on me and let me rot away. Yet here he stood today, claiming to be my mate! The music that had been playing earlier stopped. Every person stopped their previous activities due to the proclamation that Killian had made. They all stared at the both of us now and began to murmur. I understood that Killian had become the new Alpha King and I was nothing but an Omega. It did not make any sense that he would claim me as his mate. It felt totally wrong and I knew this was what had caused the murmurs in the room. Killian suddenly scoffed. “Of course I can not possibly settle for this as a mate!” He began as he gestured at me in disgust. “This thing is way below my standards and I cannot possibly imagine mating with it!” Killian exclaimed. I widened my eyes in shock at his words as my heart began to shatter. I had gotten used to being disrespected before. I had found a way to accept it yet Killian’s words were tearing me apart. His words were slicing my heart into a thousand pieces. My throat burned with anger and pain but I chose to bottle it all up. His men broke into laughter. “For a moment, I actually thought Killian was going to accept the filthy little thing!” One of the men exclaimed and continued laughing. Killian joined in their laughter. “I am the Alpha King! And as the Alpha, I deserve the purest werewolf for a mate. I do not need you Kayla. You aren’t pure! You have been tainted beyond repair and no amount of saving is ever going to change that! You are someone who has been used by many men and dumped in this place. That is what people like you deserve! To be used mercilessly and dumped away for other men’s satisfaction,” Killian spat. My lips began to tremble at that point. I felt the shattered pieces of my heart further break until I was thrown to the darkest pit of my mind. I felt my entire body weaken with every statement he gave and I thought that once again, I would give up on this world. That I would give up on living. My throat continued to burn and I felt angry tears begin to moisten my eyes. “You know what, Kayla? I too will use you to my satisfaction today and then dump you to my men so that they will have their fill of you!” Killian declared. That was the final blow. It hit me hard and I felt rage take over me. I reached out at Killian and landed the hardest slap I had ever given anyone else in my entire live. The sound from the slap resonated through out the entire room and echoed outwards. I felt his cheeks vibrate under the sheer force of my action. His men got up in shock and the crowd exclaimed at my move. My body began to tremble as I was still consumed and controlled my rage. The tears I had been fighting back to keep exited my eyes and I stared head on at the still shocked Killian. “Don’t you ever dare utter such disrespectful words to me. You do not deserve that title as an Alpha King. I hope that you rot away and die where no one would ever find you or save you!” I exclaimed as more tears escaped my eyes. Then I turned my back at him and dashed out of the room. “Get that filthy brat! Do not let her escape!” Killian growled and I heard the anger in his voice. It carried authority and almost made me succumb to it but my zeal to live pushed me forward and helped me dash through the corridor. I had a secret route that I had arranged in case things got out of hand one day, I could escape easily. I entered the storage room and climbed to the top using the crates of wine as my stairs. I reached the top window and I was just getting my legs out when I heard guards rush into the room. “Inform the men outside. We must not let her get away!” One of them instructed. I was now outside. Darkness had already crawled in. I spotted the woods just outside the great walls surrounding the palace. There was a spot where people smuggled themselves in. The place had large cracks in the wall and they always covered it up to pretend it was just fine. I found the spot and squeezed myself through until I was finally out. Just as I got out, I heard their footsteps. “There she is! Go after her! She must not escape!” The same man from before yelled. At this rate, my heart was pounding violently. I felt the adrenaline rushing through my veins and it was the only reason why I was still running. I entered the woods but the men had already gotten out of the gate. They were coming at me. There were too many of them and I wondered if I could actually get away. Tears flowed down my cheeks and it was at that point I realized I was sobbing. Why did I have to be the one to go through all this pain? Have I not suffered enough? Have I not been hurt enough? My lips trembled as I kept fighting to hold back the sobs but they kept escaping my lips. Angry tears kept wetting my cheeks and I kept fighting to get away from those men. I looked up at the sky and the moon was present. It was the only thing lighting up my way. As I kept fighting to save myself, I tripped and came crashing down. I let out a short scream as I hit the floor. But I did not stay put, the fall caused me to roll down the dirty paths of the forest floor. I started to roll until I hit my head on a stone and stayed put. I exhaled sharply as I stared at the moon. The pain from the hit scattered across my head and weakened my zeal to keep fighting. The moon goddess had never listened to my pleas no matter how hard I cried out to her. But as darkness started creeping into my vision, I prayed that she would protect me. I prayed that she would save me. As I heard the men getting closer to me; darkness completely took over and I entered the subconscious world.
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