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KILLIAN I grabbed Kayla and pulled her into a warm hug. The goal was to make Kayla agree to come back home with me. I had to convince her to bear my child so that the prophecy would pass away. I did not care if I had to mate with a filthy omega to make that happen. The most important thing was saving my kingdom and not being the one behind its destruction. Kayla was still frozen in my hug. I could tell that she was not buying my act but I was sure that I had succeeded in pulling a number on her. She had not seen it coming. Seconds passed and I did not release her. I was ready to remain like this all night. I was ready to do anything because there was too much at stake. After tonight, I had to take a thorough bath to wash away Kayla's filth off my body. But my wolf rejoiced and enjoyed the moment. It was the only one happy about the situation. Eventually, Kayla started to fight my hug. She must have regained her composure. I released her and allowed her be. "What do you think you're doing! You bastard!" She screamed. I gritted my teeth at her words. I wanted to give her a befitting reply but I had to let it slide. All I needed to do was bring her willingly back with me. I was in the presence of the moon goddess. I knew she was watching our every move. The moment I saw the trees surrounding this spot, I knew Kayla was going to be inside and the moon goddess was behind it. There was one thing I knew and it was that the goddess had set me up from the start. I had to behave myself so that she would not add more burdens to my problems. "I'm doing what any man would do to his mate; hugging you," I answered Kayla. Her stare was hostile. Her aura was still filled with anger. I had to be cautious while handling her. "Mate? So I'm your mate now? I thought you could never have someone who has been used by other men as your mate. I thought I was too below your standards!" she exclaimed. "I remember saying all that. . .but that was before I felt the mate bond. Here," I raised the sleeve of my robe and showed her the new mark on my left arm. Her name was etched on my arm. "I'm sure you've seen yours too," I answered her calmly. Kayla looked away from me in defeat. I saw her clench her teeth in anger. I could tell that she wanted to say a lot of things but she was restraining herself. I saw her eyes moisten and for a split second, I caught the pain in her them. Against my wishes, I felt my heart reach out for her. My wolf wanted to console her. I wanted to tell her that everything was going to be fine even if I knew it wasn't. Her pain reached me and I felt moved but just as fast as the feeling came, it faded away. "What do you want from me?" she asked in a defeated voice. "Isn't it obvious? I want you to fulfill your duties as my mate and I want to do the same for you," I replied. She shot me a dangerous glare. I could tell that she did not believe my words. "Why would you want that when I know you hate me? There are a lot of other women that can satisfy you. You should go to them," she shot at me. "There are a lot of other women indeed but they are not you. The spot you hold is different and no one can take your place. I want you Kayla," I told her. I could not tell if my words were truly genuine or if they were made up. I told myself they were made up. They could not be true. I did not care about Kayla; I never would. She stared at me in shock. "You can not be serious. Do you except me to buy all these things you're telling me? What is your real motive Killian?" She demanded instead. I smiled at her and started to circulate her. "The fact that you think I have ulterior motives," I began and stopped since I broke into laughter; then I continued. "We hate each other, yes. But the moon goddess deemed it fit that she mate us together. As much as I want to fight it, I can't. My wolf is craving for only you. I know you can feel it too. It will do us no good if we stay apart. You of all people should know that mates should not be separated. It could eventually kill us." Kayla parted her lips as if to say something and stopped. I must have gotten her speechless. I dipped my head and smiled. My plan was working. She was closer to accepting to be taken back. "When you asked me what I wanted from you, I did not give you a proper answer. I have come to take you back with me. I have come to take you back to the place you belong. That place is by my side as the Luna of the Blackstone pack," I added. Kayla continued to stare at me in disbelief. She had still not spoken. She was probably trying to play it safe as she knew she could not trust me but I could tell that the mate bond was affecting and clouding her judgement. I had to use it to my advantage. "Give me your hand and come home with me, my Luna," I breathed. Her eyes grew wider at my words. I could tell she wanted to argue but she did not know what ground to stand on. Her mouth kept opening and closing. "Would I lie to you even in the presence of the moon goddess?" I questioned her. She looked up at the moon due to the mention of the goddess. Was she even aware that the goddess was the one who protected her from my men? I gestured at my hand which was still outstretched for her to hold. Kayla had not budged. She was probably finding it hard to make a decision. I could tell that her thoughts were all over the place. I smiled at her as I wanted her to focus on me alone. Her breathing became heavy as I saw her vulnerability. She slowly and hesitantly raised her hand. Then she placed it on mine. She exhaled loudly and remained silent. I was about to lead her out when I noticed that her dress was beyond descent. I planned to bring her before the council immediately. I could not take her there when she was looking this way. So I took off my robe and placed it on her shoulders. She readily accepted it and put it on. It was a good thing that I had an extra shirt underneath the robe. "My men are waiting outside. Once we walk out of this place, they'll take us back to the palace," I explained. Kayla still stared at me cautiously. She had not fully trusted me yet. I did not need her to. All I needed was her consent to leave so that the moon goddess would let us go. I gestured at the way forward and with her hand in mine, I led her away. We made our way through the trees and I noticed that she kept staring at me the entire time. It was as if she was still finding it hard to believe that I was before her and she was following me away. We soon emerged from the trees and we were welcomed by my men who had been waiting patiently. Kelvin stepped forward immediately. "I was wondering if I was going to have to break into that place eventually," he said the moment Kayla and I reached him. "If you did so, I wouldn't be surprised. It is after all your job as Beta of the pack to protect me," I told him. He only smiled. Then he turned his attention to Kayla. He stared into Kayla's eyes and for a moment seemed trapped somewhere within them. It was as if he had found himself in the presence of someone very great. His lips parted in surprise as he furrowed his brows slightly. "Is this. . .her?" he asked slowly. I nodded in response. It appeared that he had been waiting for my confirmation the entire time because when I did, he bowed to Kayla immediately. "My Luna," he acknowledged her presence and lifted his head again. Although, this time he avoided eye contact. I stared at him in confusion. This had to be part of the act but I did not remember telling him to bow to Kayla. Kayla only stared at him in surprise. I knew she was not used to getting this type of treatment. Kelvin had succeeded in catching her off guard. She parted her lips as if to say something, then she thought otherwise and closed them. She did not know how to react, so she settled for a short nod. "I'll lead the way to the horses," Kelvin said as he walked us to them. The other men started to mount their horses. He brought us before my white mane. It looked strong and full of life. Without warning, I took Kayla by the waist and lifted her to the top of the horse. She gasped at the action since I had not alerted her before doing it. When she was safely on, I mounted it easily too. I chose to stay behind her just to make her feel protected. I brought my hands to her waist area and grabbed the reigns of the horse. Our sole destination was the council. I knew deep down that the council would not be happy about my decision but I was ready for them. What ever they had on us, I knew that Kayla was the key.
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