CHAPTER 42: m******e

1757 Words

~KILLIAN Kayla's hand hit my left cheek and pain scattered across my face. I did not move. I did not speak. I did not react. I just remained frozen. I felt guilty. I knew I had hurt her. I knew I had disrespected her. I felt bad for having to put her in this situation but this was the only way to finish off every one of these men who wanted nothing but to have a taste of my Kayla. Kayla let out a shudder. I knew that her eyes had moistened even without looking. She probably hated me more than she did before, now that I had made another bad move. My hair fell over my forehead due to the impact of the slap. I slowly tilted my head back at her. She had tears streaming down her face. I had not wanted her to cry but there she was, crying because of me. We were still in the middle of mis

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