1764 Words

23. KILLIAN Roars. Kayla's voice. Darkness. I gasped awake. I was on my bed. I tried to lift myself up but pain shot from my head and scattered through the rest of my body. I groaned. I looked down at my fists and saw that they had been bandaged. My head wound had been treated too. I had been about to go find Kayla when I lost consciousness. I needed to find her. Lying around like this here was not going to help me find her. I fought to sit up and I finally succeeded. That was when Kelvin walked into the room. He glared at me in surprise to see me awake and sitting instead of sleeping. "What are you doing? The doctor said you lost too much blood. You're not supposed to be awake. You need to rest!" Kelvin exclaimed. "Where is Kayla? Have you found her? Is she here?" I demanded im

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