1633 Words

~ KILLIAN I stirred awake. My face was still buried in Kayla's neck. She was still very warm. I nestled my nose in her neck and remained that way. Before lifting myself slightly up. Kayla was still deep in the sleep world. She looked peaceful, maybe even happy. I tucked a stray hair behind her ear. Her blond hair complimented her beauty, the beauty of a goddess. I smiled and slowly got to my feet. The plan was to make less noise so that I would not have to awaken Kayla from her peaceful and beautiful sleep. I found our clothes where she had hung them. I pulled the pants up my legs and kept the rest of the clothes safely beside her. I needed to take a piss. I silently walked out of the cave. It was still dark outside but it was not going to be long before the sun showed up beaming br

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