1786 Words

30. KAYLA “KAYLA! HOW DARE YOU?!” I flinched as I stared up at Killian. If his voice had scared me earlier then his face took out all the color from my face. His chest kept rising up and down hard. His body vibrated with anger. His stare was hostile. They glowed a crimson color. This was no longer Killian in control. He had released his wolf upon me. I scanned my brain trying to find what I had done wrong this time and I could not find any. On the contrary, he was the one I had caught with another woman massaging his scalp. “What are you talking about?” I demanded the moment I found the courage to speak. Killian stared at me as if I had gone crazy as he began to slowly approach me. On impulse, I started to retreat backwards. “You don't know what you did?” He demanded in a low tone

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