1683 Words

-KILLIAN I turned to the door and cursed whoever was behind it. This was wrong timing. I exhaled sharply and forced my hungry wolf to retreat. It was not going to get the satisfaction it wanted now. Probably after. I walked to the door and pulled it open. Ariana was standing behind it. The moment she saw me, her brown eyes lighted up. She roamed her eyes hungrily down my body just as Diana had done yesterday. I knew that if Kayla caught her checking me out like this, then she was only going to get angrier. Although, it was cute watching her jealousy. “It's you again,” I began and managed a smile. “Alpha Alex asked me to bring you to him. He wanted to have a chat with you, Alpha to Alpha,” Ariana announced. I raised my brows at her questioningly and she only shrugged her shoulders a

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