1696 Words

KILLIAN Kelvin and I stood before an old abandoned building. It was once a base for the warriors and guards of our pack. It was a bungalow made out of stone. It was situated on the outskirts of my kingdom. It looked perfect for what Kelvin and I had planned out. "This should do, don't you think?" I told Kelvin. He nodded in response to me. "The underground escape tunnel is just perfect for the omega escape. It will trick everyone perfectly," Kelvin added. I smiled as I started at the building. Kelvin was a lifesaver. He had come up with a better solution to my problem and he was also helping with the execution of the plan. The plan was to pretend to kill the omegas before all eyes and send them into exile. At least exile was a better punishment than death. "What do we do now? We p

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