1620 Words

18. KILLIAN Moans. Hisses. The sound of my name. Kayla's scream. I gasped awake. My eyes scanned the room as my brain took forever in processing where I was. I tried to sit up but I was hit with a harsh headache. So I gave up on sitting. This was as a result of a hangover. I tried to remember what I had been up to last night. But my memory was still fuzzy. It was as if there was a fog in my head. I inhaled and exhaled deeply to help regain my memory. It soon started coming back to me. I saw the coronation party first and how I had thought that I almost lost Kayla. Then images of the party flashed before my eyes; even the drinks I took. Soon enough, echoes of Kayla's moans and screams of pleasure filled my ears. We had made love last night and I had enjoyed every part of it. I turned

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