Unbelievable story

1187 Words

Venus’s POV As soon as we got to Mum’s place, I froze! I almost puked as we alighted the car, I didn’t know how to feel when I saw my mother living in a mess. My own mother in such a shabby environment? Why didn’t she tell me before now? Why didn’t she give me a heads up, so I would not have made the mistake of coming with these men? I felt pathetic, I felt like I was an evil child who didn’t care about her poor mother when in reality, I cared for her more than anything else. I knew she was wrong by marrying different men and putting me second place in her life, but as my age increased, I saw reasons to forgive her and tell myself it wasn’t totally her fault. I couldn’t eat the food she prepared, because I was bitter. On my way here, I was tensed, because she promised to tell me about

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