
1176 Words

VENUS’S POV. Gordon stopped f*****g my mouth as Garrett cummed inside me. "Are you tired?" Garrett asked, his warm breath sweeping me off my feet. "No.. no.. please, don't stop." I pleaded admist stuttering. I watched Gordon as he walked to the other side to lie flat, his lower part facing me. Luckily the bed was large enough. Soon, I was sitting on his lap and he inserted his huge member inside my p***y. "Ughh! Gordon.." I moaned, bitting my lower lips. Garrett started planting kisses on my back, grabbing my breast from behind. "Oh.. Garr.." I wasn't able to finish calling his name when Gordon grabbed my ass and hit me hard and I screamed his name. "Gordon!" “Are you ready?” Garett asked and I nodded. I was ready, more than ready, plus Garett was a sweet soul. He was the type that

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