Way out

1065 Words

VENUS’S POV. I held onto my stomach with my left hand and tilted my head backwards to rest on the chair’s top. I was feeling nauseous again, but this time a huge wave of dizziness assailed me, blurring my vision. Work was not going that great because most times, half way into it I just lose my interest. No one had told me that being pregnant would come with these mood swings from the pits of hell itself. I squeezed my eyes hard and tried to picture something sweet and relieving. An image of a lake or some trees but nothing came up. I exhaled deeply and waited for the feeling to subside before I opened my eyes to see Alyssa standing in front of me. She was the one on the seat directly opposite mine. “You good?.” She asked, her eagle eyes peering hard at me at though trying to rip the in

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