The Shoes

1650 Words

In the kitchen, William tried to get his thoughts together, busying his hands getting out his cellphone and pulling up the voice recorder app he used for interviews.  This is what I`m here for.  A story.  Let`s do the interview and get out of here. Anthony set water to boil on the stove and started cutting vegetables, starting with the peppers William had left on the counter. Breathing out a steadying breath, William pressed Record and pointed his phone at Anthony.  "What is your name?" Anthony's eyes flicked over to William's phone, his brows furrowing, but then he sighed.  "Anthony." William waited, but Anthony didn`t offer anything further.  Still going with one name, I see. "Okay, Anthony, what do you do for a living?" "I paint." "What do you paint?" "Canvas, with acrylics, but

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