Romance by Milo

1859 Words

*Saige* I stand on the balcony. I am in Nova’s apartment, alone as Nova and LZ are on their date and about an hour ago Milo asked me to wait here, as he has something to fix. It’s a bit weird getting left like this, but he apologized a lot, saying it wouldn’t be long. Nova was the one suggesting I could wait in her cozy apartment instead of in a cafe or something. After we left the playground to go see the tigers and lastly the miniature ponies, which did not scare me, and the llamas I honestly had a very hard time keeping my mind of how Milo had looked all wet and just wearing his boxers. I know I have seen him naked, but somehow the clingy white fabric seemed to make things more obvious … along with the other women’s reaction. “Seriously”. I mumble to myself. I thought myself smarte

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