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Chapter 6 *Milo* I spot a young woman with dark hair stride toward me, resolve on her face … kinda like she has a bone to pick with me. And at the same time the blonde waitress is still flirting with me, so my focus is rather divided. ‘Do we know her’. Remus asks, having also seen her walk closer. ‘I don't remember her, but she reminds me a bit of a pitbull’. ‘Me neither, but yeah she does look like she might bite’. I am usually good with faces, but hers are new to me. ‘Maybe she isn’t after us, maybe she is one of Nick’s flings’. I am about to ask him if he knows her, but the waitress waves her hand in front of my face trying to get my attention. “Hello there handsome, where have you gone to ?” “Sorry doll, I was lost in your beauty for a moment”. I send her a smile. ‘Smooth one there’. Remus huffs. ‘Stop wasting the good stuff on the cheap skank, go smootch our mate’. The waitress giggles. “Oh ain’t you just the sweetest most …”. “Oh he sure is .. now do you work Brielle and let the adults talk”. The woman walking up says, moving in front of the waitress who looks offended but stalks off. “Thanks doll, she was …”. I start saying, curious about what she wants. “Ah ah …”. She turns and lifts a finger at me. “Firstly do not call me doll, ever … secondly, who are you and why are you stalking my girl Saige ?” I look down at her, she has fire in her eyes. “Your girl ?” ‘She can’t be her mother, like at all’. My Wolf mutters. ‘Her girlfriend ? Is our mate into girls ? I might be open for some sharing if it’s with a woman’. ‘But I am not … and now shuss. Have you ever heard the saying; wolves should be seen, not heard ? So shut it’. I try not to show our internal conversation on my face. The woman folds her arms on her chest. “Yes my girl, my best friend … what do you want with her ?” “I would like to talk to her, get to know her. I find her intriguing". I look her in the eyes, hoping she can see I am not lying. “Maybe take her out on a date”. ‘And then boink’. Remus says, his tongue lolling out. ‘And make her our mate but definitely boink her’. I swallow the groan I feel coming on. ‘Seriously … did you say boink ? No don’t even answer, just shut it’. “Do you often walk around the forest wearing a dress at night ?” She c**k one eyebrow looking at me. “Saige deserves someone good … so I need to know exactly how weird you are”. “Oh he is very weird, the dress thing is far from the worst thing he has done”. Nick grins cheekily. She turns to look at him, her eyes zooming in on my friend. “And who are you ?” “I am Nick”. He holds out his hand, sending her his most charming smile. “His best friend … and you are ? Besides being Saige’s friend I mean”. She looks hesitant at his hand for a moment, then she grabs it and shakes it. “Morgan … so is he really that weird ?” “No I am not … I can explain the dress thing … it was simply a clothes emergency”. I don’t trust Nick not to throw me under the bus just for the fun of it. “I am looking forward to hearing that story … but right now I am talking to your friend Nick here”. She tells me and returns her attention to him. *Saige* Okay I have to go save the poor man from Morgan and her third degree. I love her, but she can be a bit much sometimes, even if I know she means well. And also, he might think I have sent her I swallow my nerves and hurry across the saloon floor, smiling at the group of men as I approach. “Morgan … sorry I need you in the kitchen, NOW”. “No, you don’t”. She says, smiling at me. “You just want me to stop questioning your hot dress guy here”. His friends all start laughing at her nickname, but he just looks at me, those warm eyes seem to wrap themself around me. “Sorry”. The first word comes out as more of a weird croak, but I pull myself together, almost. “She is … she means well … ignore her please, I am gonna drag her off now”. “Nah, not good enough”. He says, looking at me, an absolutely cheeky grin spreading on his handsome face. I stop in my tracks, feeling confused. “Excuse me ? Not good enough, what do you mean ?” “It’s not enough to say sorry and drag her off”. He winks at me. “But you can make it good again by letting me take you on a date”. “Seriously …”. I know my mouth is hanging halfway open. He smiles and looks rather pleased with himself. “Yeah, I seriously want to take you on a date … what do you say ?” “No, what I meant to say was; so you seriously think you can blackmail me into going on a date with you”. I grab Morgan’s arm, dragging her off. “The nerve of some men”. Morgan pulls free when we reach the kitchen. “Hey, hot guy does not want to kill you … he wants to take you out”. “He tried to blackmail me”. I huff, shaking my head. “Sweetie …”. She starts. I hold up my hand. “Nope … also it’s probably just some joke with his friends”. Glancing towards their table I see him looking kinda lost in our direction. No I am not at all ready to start dating, not even men too handsome for their own good.
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