Does wolves eat pizza ?

1080 Words

*Saige* Once in the room I have been appointed I pull on a dressing gown, and of course it is of superb quality and the perfect size. I am a little unsure what to do, so I am also a bit uncertain what clothes to put on. It is beyond embarrassing that I had been standing there, scolding him with my boobs hanging out. I feel like I constantly make a fool of myself around him. And what was the biting my ass thing ? Like seriously. I mean it wasn’t hard and didn’t hurt, actually it might have sent shivers through me, but I mean it’s not a thing you do without … asking and not out in the open. In general I am super torn, I am not sure what he wants, like for real want, or what I want. There is a soft knock on the door and Milo’s voice outside. “Can I come in ?” “Honestly I am not sure”. I

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