What does the monkey have ?

1436 Words

*Saige* “First over that fence wins”. Milo calls out as we get nearer to the trees. I squint my eyes and see that there is a wooden fence about three feet tall, and it is clearly made as a jump for a horse, between the trees. Uncertainty gribs me, I used to love jumping … but can I ? Yes I can, I tell myself, then I call back. “Prepare to lose”. “Yeah you better do that”. He grins, spurring Diablo to run faster. This is amazing, the wind in my hair and on my face, the power and speed. I am feeling free and happy in a way I almost forgot was possible, and it is all because of Milo. I urge Starlight to do her best and she does. Diablo is bigger and more powerful, but also carries more weight, both his own and Milo … Starlight is lighter and faster. After taking turns being in the lea

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