That monster

1305 Words

Ava’s point of view Ace, still under the influence of the painkillers, openly shared his affection for his Beta, James. James graciously aided me in supporting Ace as we made our way up the steps. When we entered our chambers, we were greeted by Gloria, who was patiently waiting for us on the couch. "Oh my! Alpha, are you okay? Ava, are you okay?" Gloria asked, her concern evident. I could sense that Gloria was genuinely worried about Ace. It was reassuring to have such a caring friend who stayed up late to make sure everything was alright. "I've never felt better in my life. Now, Gloria, please give my Luna and me some alone time with me. She needs to help me get naked and assist with my shower," Alpha Ace slurred in his painkiller-induced state, causing Gloria to burst into laught

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