She will do her best

1329 Words

Ava’s point of view Just as I heard the lock turning, my heart leaped with anticipation. Ace was finally back! I had been growing increasingly anxious in his absence. With excitement coursing through me, I leaped off the bed, eager to greet Ace. However, to my surprise, it wasn't Ace who stepped through the door but his Beta, James. Confusion and concern filled my voice as I asked, "Where is Ace? Why did he send you, Beta James?" Part of me was relieved to see James safe, but I couldn't help but yearn for Ace's presence and safety as well. With a hint of sadness in his eyes, Beta James explained, "I'm sorry to inform you, Luna, but the Alpha is currently in the hospital receiving stitches. Thankfully, the injuries aren't severe, but his wounds need to be properly stitched to ensure

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