Ask about her past

1329 Words

Jack’s point of view "I should be going. There's something I've been trying to do all morning, and it can't wait," James said with a smirk as he left my office. It was clear James was referring to Ava. He didn't care if Ace joined them in whatever twisted games he had planned. James was determined to mark his mate, and nothing would get in his way. "So, Steven, why didn't you tell us about your rejection, man? We would have never assigned you that task. You could have at least gone to Gamma Gregg," I asked, trying to offer Steven a sympathetic ear. I couldn't imagine the pain of being rejected by your mate. I had been patiently waiting for my mate and hadn't even entertained the thought of dating or kissing anyone else. "You won't like what I have to say, Beta. It's disrespectful, a

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