Work, work, work.

1320 Words
Ava’s point of view As I went about my morning routine, the familiar chime of my phone interrupted my thoughts. Surprised, I realized I had completely forgotten about its existence until this very moment. With a curious smile, I unlocked the screen and found myself greeted by a message that instantly made my heart flutter. "Good morning, beautiful. I couldn't help but think about you all night. I hope I'm not texting you too early," Tom's thoughtful message warmed my soul, instantly brightening up my day. "Good morning to you, too. No worries, it's not too early. I'm actually in the midst of getting ready for work," I typed, my lips curving into a smile as I couldn't help but let out a soft giggle. A moment later, another message from Tom appeared on my screen, brimming with eagerness and excitement. "Call in sick. Spend the day with me," he suggested, his words tempting me to deviate from my usual routine and embark on an adventure with him. I responded playfully, "I wish I could, but unfortunately, my boss is an ass. If I were to call in sick, he'd definitely find out, and I'd be in major trouble." Tom, undeterred by my predicament, persisted in his suggestion. "Let me take care of him for you. Just spend the day with me," he urged, his determination shining through his words. "I appreciate your offer, but I really can't risk it. My boss is not someone to mess with, and I don't need any more problems in my life," I firmly declined in my response, hoping to make it clear that I couldn't entertain the idea. Tom, seemingly undeterred by my refusal, responded with a light-hearted tone. "If you say so. Lol," he replied, hinting at his playful nature and willingness to accept my decision. The thought of spending the day with Tom sent me soaring with excitement. It was strange, but I couldn't help but feel elated that this stranger from a bar wanted to see me. Realizing I had spent too much time texting Tom, I hurriedly finished getting ready and made my way to breakfast. Just as I entered the kitchen, my phone rang again, drawing my attention away from the bustling surroundings. "What are you doing after work?" Tom's message popped up on my screen. "Working all day, not joking," I quickly replied, my attention entirely devoted to grabbing a quick breakfast in the bustling kitchen, oblivious to the people around me. "Look who it is. Eww, gross!" Brenda, Alpha Ace's girlfriend, squealed, making it evident that she was talking about me. Determined to avoid any conflict, I kept my head low. "I'm surprised you guys can even work around someone so disgraceful, who owes the pack a significant amount of money," Brenda sneered at one of the kitchen staff members. "I have to get out of here before I lose my appetite. Make sure you get everything done for my dinner date with Alpha Ace later, or there will be consequences," Brenda rudely commanded before swiftly exiting the kitchen. In a hurry, I grabbed my breakfast and sought out Stephanie to receive my duties for the day, trying to avoid any further interaction with Brenda or her negativity. As I exited the kitchen, my phone dinged once more, indicating another message from Tom. "What are your plans for tonight?" he asked. "Due to my extensive work hours, I'll only have enough time to sleep. Yesterday, I only had a partial day of work," I explained, choosing not to disclose that I also worked at the pack house to settle my debts and at the bar. "Seems like you're dealing with long hours, just like me," Tom replied, showing his understanding. Gloria sent me a text saying, "We're assigned to clean all the rooms on the second floor of the pack house today :)." "Alright, got it. Thanks for informing me," I responded to Gloria, appreciating her thoughtfulness. As I climbed the stairs to the second floor, I discreetly stowed away my phone in my pocket, mentally preparing myself for a day of cleaning the rooms. As I strolled down the hallway, my heart sank at the sight of Alpha Ace. Instinctively, I wanted to retreat and find solace in one of the rooms, but it was too late. He had already caught sight of me on his way to his office. "Please tell me someone else is responsible for bringing my food today," Alpha Ace grumbled, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Why was I so drawn to this man and his voice? "Yes, Alpha, I believe Gloria and I have been assigned to clean the rooms on this floor," I replied, casting my eyes downward to avoid his penetrating glare. I couldn't help but feel self-conscious as I sensed Alpha Ace’s gaze scanning my body. Inwardly, I secretly hoped he found me attractive in my new attire. "Fine, skip my office. I don't need you wrecking anything in it," Alpha Ace groaned, his voice resonating within me in a way I couldn't explain. Alpha Ace stormed off into his office, forcefully shutting the door behind him. With a heavy sigh, I finally released the breath I hadn't realized I'd been holding. "Hey," Gloria's voice came from behind me, and I turned to greet her with a warm hug. "Hi," I replied, my attempt at maintaining a positive demeanor despite my encounter with Alpha Ace. However, my attraction to him lingered in the back of my mind. "You seem surprisingly upbeat considering your run-in with the Alpha," Gloria observed, her curiosity piqued as my phone chimed once again. "Yeah, well, we actually get to skip his office today, so I'm super happy," I revealed, putting my phone aside and focusing on the conversation. Alpha Ace's office didn't require much cleaning. He was pretty particular about keeping it spotless. "Oh, does your happiness have anything to do with the person who keeps texting you?" Gloria teased, unable to resist the urge to investigate. "Okay, fine. It's Tom. He's been texting me all morning, but I'll have to ignore it if I want to get any cleaning done," I confessed, acknowledging the potential distraction. "Yeah, you're right. We do need to focus so we can work at the bar tonight," Gloria sighed, acknowledging the importance of staying on track. "I actually enjoy working there," I admitted, a genuine smile spreading across my face. "I've been thinking about taking all my tips for a month and giving them to Alpha Ace, just to see how much of my debt I can pay off." "Who knows, maybe that will make a significant dent in it," Gloria mused, her smile mirroring mine. "And if it does, maybe you can come with me when I go to college." "That would be incredible," I replied, a glimmer of hope shining in my eyes. "Hey Ava, nice outfit," Beta James said with a smile, complimenting my attire and causing me to blush under his gaze. "Thank you, Beta James. Gloria took me shopping," I replied, feeling a sense of gratitude towards my friend. Despite Beta James being the biggest slob in the pack house, his compliment was still appreciated. "Well, they definitely look good on you," Beta James commented before entering his office, leaving me blushing even more. "See, I knew your new clothes would make a difference. They really show off your curves," Gloria said, winking at me. I blushed and replied, "Oh, stop it. You're making me blush with all these compliments." Gloria giggled. "Well, Beta James sure noticed. He's probably going to try and get you into his bed later, just like he does with everyone." I shook my head, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the gossip. "Come on, let's not gossip. Beta James has always been nothing but nice to me," I said, brushing off Gloria's remarks before someone overheard us.
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