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The room was hot, and the music was loud. Neither of the women really wanted to be there. But what choice did they have, really? Nessa's father was the Alpha of the pack and had gone to great lengths to throw this party in hopes that his daughter would find her mate since she had refused multiple times the one guy he truly wished for her to be with. And well, if she had to be there, she would be dragging her best friend with her and making her endure the t*****e as well. I mean, it was only fair both were single, and just because Violet didn't have a father to push her into finding her mate didn't mean that got her out of looking the same as Nessa. The two women were like night and day but had been like sisters to each other for as long as they could remember. Violet's parents had worked for Nessa's family for years, and when the girls were young, it just made sense to pair them so they would have someone to play with. Both were only children. Nessa's mother had died while attempting to give birth to a little boy who ended up being stillborn. And Violet's parents had been killed by another pack while out hunting. Their deaths had sparked a war that had lasted most of the girl's childhoods. But now there was peace and with peace meant Nessa's father's reach for mates for his daughter could stretch farther out. There really wasn't any reason for either of the two to be single. They were both beautiful. With her black hair, Nessa kept shoulder length accenting her round face, honey brown eyes, a slender but muscular body, and even though she was slightly shorter than most, she had legs that some would die for. She was in charge of a team her father called his peace team. It had been Nessa's doing for the war to end due to her negotiation skills. She had a small team, and they could sneak in and out of anywhere and had a way of talking other Alphas into doing what she wanted without promising them anything in return. She was strong and fast and had been trained to be able to take down more than one enemy at a time. Violet had seen her take on ten plus men at one time and only come out with a few minor scratches. Then there, of course, was Violet, named for her eyes that were light purple. She had copper-red hair that she kept long and allowed it to flow down her back but would pin some of it back to keep out of her heart-shaped face. She was tall and slender with slightly defined muscles. She was a maid for most of the pack and enjoyed her work. She had assigned homes she went to every day to dust, clean the floors, and do the laundry before moving to the next house. It didn't seem like fun to most people, but she enjoyed it. She found it very therapeutic, and nobody ever really bothered her. She was doing them a favor by taking care of those few things allowing them to focus on their own tasks. The party seemed to go forever, and by the time enough people had left before, the two felt it wouldn't be rude if they ducked out as well. They both felt as if they would die from the heat. They moved to the side of the room, where the wall was covered in drapes that hid windows and doors that led out to a garden. Nessa led the way as she inched them closer to where the doors would be. Her father had seen them headed for the other door that led further into the house and had stopped them. He had chastised Nessa, saying it would be rude of her to leave when there were still guests there to see her. So now their only relief would come from going outside through the back door. Once in the right spot, Nessa took one last look around to make sure her father was still entirely distracted before reaching behind the curtains and opening the door just long enough for the two women to get out. Then she closed it fast. They ran across the garden laughing together. The garden was more of a training area for Nessa and her team more so than an actual garden. On the other side of the garden was a hill that overlooked the rest of the pack's land and Nessa's favorite spot. They ran up the hill, still laughing as they got away from the ridiculous party. Once at the top, they both sat down, enjoying the night's cool air as they cooled off from the heat of the room. As they sat there enjoying the fresh air and the quiet after all the noise of the party, a bright light caught their attention. Nessa stood up, trying to get a better look. It didn't look like a meteor, although it looked as though it was on fire and falling fast from the sky. She took a few steps forwards before gasping. "That looks like a ship." She said quietly as Violet stood moving next to her. "Impossible. There haven't been any ships in years," Violet whispered back, not wanting to break the quiet of the night. The ship was spinning out of control and was moving faster and faster. And then, just like that, it seemed to even out somehow before hitting the ground, making the ground beneath them tremble, and a loud noise that was defining echoed around them, breaking the quiet of the night. It slid across an open field before it slammed into the trees that created the forest that surrounded the pack's land. The trees slowed the ship down more, but it continued to move another few hundred feet before it finally stopped moving. And just like that, the night was quiet again, but the darkness was overtaken by some of the flames that still came off of the ship. Nessa looked at Violet and shifted from her friend and into the Alpha and commander Nessa, and with authority in her voice, she said, "Tell my father what just happened and tell him to send help." Not waiting for her friend to respond, she started down the hill towards the ship, kicking her high heels off her feet so she could move faster. She had to know if anybody had survived and, if so, get them help. She didn't know where this ship was from or even if the being or beings on the ship were friendly, but it didn't matter. It was still her duty to ensure the safety of her pack. Violet knowing better than to question her friend, turned and ran back to the party, sure that they had all felt the ground move as well as she had. She quickly found Nessa's father and told him what had happened and that Nessa had run towards the ship. He quickly sent back up for his daughter and ended the party.
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