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Nessa ran as fast as she could down the hill, passing members of her pack who hadn't seen what had happened but had felt the ground move and heard the noise causing them to come out of their homes. As she ran in the direction of the crashed ship, she passed her second in command, Lucian, and he quickly joined her. As they ran, she told him what she had seen. By the time they had gotten to the ship, others had started to gather, and Nessa took charge quickly. She ordered some of the men to begin removing a tree that had punctured a hole in the side of the ship so that they could easily get inside and see what or who was inside. She requested one of the ladies to go and find her some boots and possibly some pants because she sure wasn't dressed right for this. She got some of the others started on putting out the fire that had started towards the front end and had others start spraying down the rest of the ship so it would not be so hot. They would need to be able to touch the outside of the ship at some point, and she was sure that it would be hot from its entry into the atmosphere. Everyone worked quickly, and by the time she had on some pants, a pair of boots, and had pulled her dress up, tying it off at the hip so she could move more efficiently, the men had the tree out of her way. And the rest of her main team was on the scene. She ordered everyone else to stay outside while she and her men went in to investigate. The last thing she needed was everyone and their mom trying to climb inside and getting in the way. Her team was made up of three men and herself. She was their Alpha and who they took orders from. Lucian was her second and her right-hand man. He towered over her, standing at six feet five inches, he kept his dark brown hair cut close to his head, and he had muscles on his muscles and looked intimidating. But deep down, he was a big old softy and lived for his mate and two daughters who had him wrapped around their little fingers. Alexander was her left-hand man, or so he liked to joke. He was six foot two inches, and with his sandy blond hair and baby blue eyes, all the women swooned over him. He was one of the sweetest guys Nessa had ever known and had once thought that maybe they could make a good match, but that had changed when he had found his mate while they were on a mission a few years back. And Nessa had been happy she had never told him of her crush on him because she was sure it would have ruined his happiness. Victor was more the brains of their group. He was also the shortest of the men standing at six feet even. He had black hair that he kept shoulder length and had dark brown eyes. He could tell you anything about any of the packs that lived on their planet and about the human colonies that had been developed during Nessa's grandfather's rain as Alpha. His most recent project had been trying to rediscover the planet's own space program. They used to travel the stars, but when her aunt had disappeared on one of those ships, her grandfather had shut it down, and all information had been lost. He was also the only other single member of her team, and he quite enjoyed it that way. Unlike the other two men in the team, he quite enjoyed being able to play the field with all the single women. Nessa trusted the men with her life and would do anything for them and their families. And in turn, she knew they would do anything for her. The group eased their way into the ship slowly. If the beings on this ship had survived, they didn't want to spook them. Inside, Nessa could smell human and wolf alike. She looked back at her men, who all looked just as puzzled as her. She allowed her wolf to move forward just a bit to use its senses better. She turned towards the front of the ship. She could smell a lot of blood coming from that direction. They eased their way up to the front, where they found two humans. One had a rather big tree branch shoved through his chest. He was the blood she had smelled. The other's neck hung at a strange angle, and she quickly confirmed his neck had been broken in the crash and he had not made it. Both men had been human, so they moved towards the back of the ship, checking everywhere as they went looking for the others that they could smell. Just as they got back to the middle of the ship where they had come in at Nessa was starting to feel a little creeped out by the silence of the ship. This silence didn't last much longer as a male's voice cut through the quiet as he yelled out in pain. Nessa and her men moved quickly to the back of the ship, where the sound came from. They had to shove open the airlock door, which took a bit of time, but once open, they could see two men both still held to their seats, and one of them was awake. They quickly and carefully went over to him and helped him out of his chair, causing the man to lose consciousness again. Victor and Alexander carried him out of the ship, and Nessa could hear them yelling for people to get out of their way as they moved away from the ship and to Dr. Waters, the pack's only doctor. Nessa and Lucian turned their attention to the other man. Lucian shifted some debris out of the way, so if they needed to move him right away, they could do it quickly. Nessa placed her hand on the man's chest as she listened for a heartbeat. The moment her hand touched the man, something inside of her shifted, and even though she had never met him before, she had a strong urge to get as close to him as possible and protect him. She quickly found his heart was still beating and started to remove the straps that held him in place. Just as she finished with the last strap, Lucian was there and helped her carry the man out of the ship. Once outside, they were greeted by Lukas, Nessa's father's second in command's son. He was tall and had a smaller build than most of the men in their pack. His father spoiled him and had him convinced he could have whatever and whoever he wanted, even though any of her team could take him. Hell, Nessa could kick his a*s and had done so many times in their lives. Nessa's father would like nothing more than for Nessa and Lukas to end up together. All three men had pushed for it for years, and as time went on, it only got worse. "Your father sent me down to help." He said. Nessa and Lucian continued to carry the man in the direction of Dr. Waters as she answered him, "Good, you will need to get a few men to help you. There are two humans inside up towards the front of the ship. They didn't make it. But they will still need to be removed and taken down to the human colony so they may deal with their bodies per their traditions. By the time you are done with that, we will be back to help finish with the rest." They carried the man to Dr. Waters' home, where Victor and Alexander had carried the other man. When they entered, they were instructed to place the man on an empty bed to wait to be looked at. Just as she turned to instruct her men on what to do next, the first guy woke up again and started swinging his arms, almost knocking Mrs. Waters over, who had been checking his vitals. Nessa steadied the older woman quickly before moving around her and taking his arm, and restraining him a bit. Victor had been the closest to him on the other side and quickly took his other arm and restrained it as Dr. Waters moved to get something to sedate him. Once he was out again, Nessa looked at her men and said, "Ok, I want you three to go back down and take charge of the situation down there, focus on getting that fire out before it spreads. And get the outside of the ship cooled off. I will stay here to help Dr. and Mrs. Waters out. Once I am sure neither of the men here will be throwing punches again, I will be down to check in on your progress." The men all lowered their heads in a bow at the same time before heading back out. Nessa had helped Dr. Waters many times during the war and knew what he would need before he asked for it and knew the two would appreciate the help. As they worked on the first guy, Mrs. Waters checked on the second guy every few minutes to ensure he was still alive. They removed most of his clothing with the first guy and cleaned up the few cutes he had received. Next, they had to pop his right shoulder back into place. Nessa helped hold his leg in place as Dr. Waters put a splint on it to ensure it healed correctly, and then they wrapped a bandage around him to help hold his ribs in place so they could heal. Nessa held the man up while the other two wrapped him up. Once done, she laid him back down as gently as possible. Knowing she would no longer be needed for his care, she moved to the second guy's bed to get started on removing some of his clothing so they could better see his injuries.
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