His Touch

1057 Words
**Kiah (POV) ** [Kaarmanet, Academy Staff Wing] I sat on the cliff, my feet dangling in the air as I took in the beautiful view under the moonlight. The moons were at their peak shining in their beautiful blue and green hues respectively, giving out a mesmerizing cadet-blue glow. Under the moons the Lospien waves crashed the mountain foot softly, taking all my worries away. My simple off-white blouson gown danced with the wind and the tiny droplets from the waterfall behind me tickled the back of my neck. An involuntary giggle escaped my lips and that was when I felt it… the tender touch of the fingertips on my bare shoulder. The fingers trailed the side of my neck, to my bare shoulders, and then my arms. It was the touch that drove me crazy and I moaned involuntarily closing my eyes. I wanted to turn around and finally see him but… Ohhhh! Don’t take your hands off! I thought but the touch was gone. And I felt cold where the warm hands were present just a moment ago. I turned around but he wasn’t there! I looked around to find him, so I could lean back into his touch. Just thinking about it made my pot drip, making me clench. I heard steps behind me and I ran towards them to get to him. As I ran, I saw myself entering a cave, I had never seen it before but I could feel him nearby. His touch had been driving me crazy for quite some time now, and I wanted more… I walked deeper trying to find him but with no opening for the moonlight to enter it was pitch dark. I couldn’t see where I put my foot, it was too dark and probably dangerous; my logical mind told me to go back to where it was safe but my body had entirely different plans and kept moving deeper inside on its own accord. “Where are you?” I cried, trying to feel my surroundings but ended up only slapping the air. It was then I felt him, his body right behind mine. Heat radiated off of his body and I could tell it was him without any contact. “You’re here!” I whispered as his warm palms slowly slid down my waist encircling me. That simple act drove me crazy with need making me lean into him. My body moved into his hard chest and I all but rubbed myself against him. It suddenly struck me his hands weren’t moving, those magical hands just sat there on the curve of my waist. I wanted them to move and linger all over me, I wanted to feel his touch on my stomach, trail my abdomen, tease my chest and more… much more; but they wouldn’t move. I wiggled a little, but nothing; frustrated I huffed wiggling further yet he wouldn’t. I couldn’t bare it any further and I slid my own hands over his taking them where I was dying to feel his touch. He bent down and softly pressed his lips on the curve of my neck and I felt electrified pressing myself further into him. I lifted my head but could see nothing in the darkness, so I leaned in where I felt his lips would be and pressed my lips against them. Our lips met, only to drive me madder than I already was. He slowly deepened our kiss as his hands wandered around my body, but driven mad with need I guided his hands down my abdomen. His hands went down my abdomen to my pot over the clothes but the warmth of his touch made me want more. I wanted this stupid gown out of the way and I wiggled madly wanting more…. BANG! I felt the hard floor and opened my eyes only to be stunned out of my breath as I saw Mom standing over me, looking absolutely confused. “What’s wrong?” I heard Dada’s voice and a moment later, saw him entering in a jog. “Ummmm….” I said looking at the both of them still on the floor. “What happened?” Dada asked worried, “Frith?” “All I did was come in to wake her up, Jay!” Mom answered defensively. “Why is she on the floor?” He cried. “Ask her!” Mom cried back. “What are you doing on the floor sweetheart?” Dada quired bending down, “Are you alright?” “Ummm…” I tried to explain but failed to find the words. What should I say? How do I explain? How on earth should I tell him about my dream... dreams to be accurate. I've been having them for the past year but it is not something I can tell my parents! “Did you have a bad dream?” He probed. “Yeah,” I agreed with nothing else to come up with, “Bad dream.” “Oh, sweetheart!” Dada said caressing my hair, “I’m right here, don’t worry!” “You sure, it was a dream?” My mom asked squinting her eyes at me, “It sure didn’t look like a BAD dream.” She said stressing on the word bad and I gulped… "Let it be, Frith." Dada intruded, "Come, sweetheart, you're getting late for your classes." Classes? Oh no! I don't wanna go! "Dada, I'm feeling a little down, can I skip my classes today?" I quired putting on my best puppy face to convince him. "Absolutely not!" Mom said before Dada could say anything. "At least the first class!" I pleaded, "Please Dada!" "You are not allowed to skip classes just because you are the Dean's daughter," Mom denied sternly. "Maybe just..." Dada began but was cut off by Mom. "No, Jay!" She said dangerously, "You can't give in to every one of her stupid requests!" She left my room leaving no room for an argument and Dada followed her out, probably trying to get her to let me skip a class but who am I kidding she won't let that happen. I stood from the floor with a huff, I didn't want to go to his class. Prof. Dasha, the King of shadow creatures, the biggest pain in my life!
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