Chapter 45

1079 Words

[..] “Now I know why I find you so familiar!” Stephanie blurred out in her drunk state, making William uneasy, as he worried she might have recognized him. “Really?” He stated, as he had a forced smile, while he tried to seem curious. “Yeah, you somehow remind me of my best friend,” She beamed, as her smile suddenly dropped. “Why the long face?” William asked, as he eased a bit. “I just.. really miss her you know, my dad doesn’t want me to see her anymore, because of my brother’s past with her cousins...” she spoke, as she immediately caught his attention. “Your best friend, you say.. What’s her name?” He asked, as he tried to get her to talk more. “Her name is Mary, and she is probably the nicest person in the whole wide world... I don’t understand how she is so shy, 'cause I

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