Chapter 1

1446 Words
[Mary's POV] “I can see in your papers that you have played soccer throughout high school, and you were pretty good at it. Is there any specific reason why you won't try out for the female soccer team here?” The principal asked as he looked through my papers and smiled. “Unfortunately, I don’t have the time, as I have to work at the same time as the team plays, so it’s not possible.” I explained as I played with my fingers under the table. I felt a bit upset about it, but my aunt Anita and uncle John were already struggling, so they didn’t have the money to pay for my college intuition, and the money my mother had saved was used to pay all the medical bills, when she became sick, so I had to do everything by myself. “I see, well, you are a pretty smart girl, so if you work hard for the next year and get straight A’s for the exams, then we can possibly find a spot for you on the list of scholarships for the next semester. If you are interested?” He told me. I smiled and nodded my head. “I would like that. Very much, thank you!” I told, as he pulled out his hand for me. “Well then, welcome to Brown University, Miss Claire!” Thereafter, I walked out of the College and headed down to the coach’s office. I promised to come by his office when I had settled things with the principal. “Hi coach!” I greeted him as I walked in. “Well, hello you must be Mary Clair, nice to see you in person!” He greeted me as he walked over to shake my hand. “It's a pleasure to meet you to coach!” He waved his hand for me to walk out the door. “Well, let me give you a quick tour, so you know where to meet on Monday.” I was really happy that I got this job, at the school, so I didn’t have to skip any classes. We walked through the dressing room and out to the soccer field. “The team plays Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning practice at 6 am and after last period, but you only have to come in the morning on Fridays, so Monday and Wednesday, you can sleep a little longer.” He chuckled. I just laughed, but most of all, I just wanted to go home. Since I moved to this town, I have been hiding away in my room. I didn’t have the energy to go out and make new friends before school started, so I didn’t know any at the school. I had also gained 10 pounds (4.54 kg), so it wasn’t getting better, as I was already depressed after my mother's death. “Okay, the last thing you need to do is sign the contract, and then you are good to go.” He told, as he pulled out a pen for me to sign with. I quickly signed before I left the school grounds. As I walked out, I suddenly hit someone, making me fall to the ground. “Watch it fatty!” A guy with dark-brown hair, looking around 6.3 feet (1.92 m) and very muscular. He stood there with 3 other guys who started laughing about his statement. “I’m sorry.” I mumbled, but as I stood up and got ready to leave, he walked in front of me, making me frown at his action. “Did I say you could leave?” He asked in a warning tone, which made me take a step back, but then I felt someone stopping me from behind. “Please, I won’t bother you again,” I begged. He then pushed me to the ground. “Well, it’s too late for that, you already did!” He told before walking away. Nice! What a good start! I thought to myself before raising myself from the ground and started to walk home. [1 month later] “Remember the paper is for tomorrow so don’t be late!” Mrs. Gray told, as the period ended. I quickly got up and sprinted down to my locker, so I could get down to the soccer field. I was responsible for getting things ready before training, so I hurried in to find clean towels before feeling the water tank, but as I turned around someone pushed the water tank, so I was wet from top to bottom. Everyone started to laugh as Kris – yes, the same guy as I walked in on my first day at school – came closer. “Oh, I’m sorry, chubby,” he smirked as he high-fived one of the guys. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Cut the cráp, Kris, just leave me alone.” I hissed at him. “Oh, I think you hurt her feelings.” Lukas whined sarcastically as he leaned against Kris. He suddenly walked dangerously close to me as he pricked a finger on my chest. “Watch it fatty!” He growled at me, but he suddenly grabbed me in a tight hold as the coach walked into the room. “What is going on here!” He yelled, sounding angry. “Nothing, Coach, there was just a little accident, so we decided to help Mary clean up,” Kris explained, which everyone else from the team agreed to without hesitation, but for some reason, the coach didn't seem completely convinced as he suddenly turned to look at me. “Is that what happened, Mary?” He asked me, as I felt Kris' grip on me slowly tighten as the coach waited for my reply. “Yes, I accidentally lost my balance with the water tank, I’m really sorry, coach.” I spoke, turning my eyes to the ground, as Kris let go of my wrist. “Very well then, hurry up, we can’t wait all day, or we will be late. Come on guys!” He shouted as he clapped his hands. Everyone ran out except Kris and Lukas. I started to pick up the water tank, but Kris placed both his hands on top of it, so I couldn’t, while he proceeded to lean closer to my ear. “Just remember, if you say anything to Coach Miller, it’s going to be a lot worse,” he warned, before he kicked the water tank and walked out with Lukas. I sighed before I filled up the water tank again and placed it on the bench outside. When I had changed my wet clothes, I walked out again, where the training had already begun. I couldn’t help but look a little at the guys. They looked good; just a shame that they're all ássholes, I thought to myself. At the benchmark stood a lot of the girls from the school. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, as I knew they only stood there because they wanted the team to notice them, and why wouldn’t they? The girls looked wonderful compared to me. I had never been a real girl-girl, as I always walked around in hoodies and loose pants and my friends in high school were all boys or the girls from the soccer team, who were just as boyish as me, so I had never been shopping or talked about makeup and hair with girlfriends. “Hello, what are you doing?” A voice behind me asked as I almost jumped up in surprise, and I saw it was one of the girls who had been standing along with the others, who stood next to me and smiled. “Mmhm, nothing, just waiting.” I mumbled, as she moved her head slightly to the side. “You're new here, aren’t you? I think we have English together, right?” She asked once again. I looked at the girl with brown hair and green eyes. “Yeah, I believe I’ve seen you somewhere before,” I answered as I nodded my head. “Well, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Stephanie!” She cheered, reaching a hand out. I looked at it for a moment before taking her hand. “Mary,” I spoke as she shook my hand. “Do you maybe need someone to show you around? I can give you a tour around the town tomorrow if you like,” She beamed. I felt a slight warmth inside my body as she asked and couldn’t help but smile at it. “I would like that very much,” I replied.
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