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Ysabella POV I have a very busy schedule today and it's pack. I even forgot to take my lunch time. I had two surgery in the morning and three in the afternoon. After I done my last surgery of the day I felt drain. Right now all I want is to be with my bed and take a beautiful rest. That's all I need. I packed my things and grab a sandwiches in the cafeteria in makes my lunch and dinner at the same time. I munch the sandwich while I seated in the drive sit. I plan to sleep when I arrived home. After finishing the last bite of my sandwich. I begun to drive my car to my house. I mean I still live together with my parents and sister. I only have one sister. My dad remarry after two years my mom died. That's makes my step sister and step mother now. As far as I know, they just want my father wealth and I promise I don't want to be part of it. I am just happy that I am able to become a doctor. It's my dream to become one after I witness my mom died I swore to myself that I want to treat people who are sick. I will do my best to get them better. That's my ultimate goal as a doctor. I park my car in the garage and I saw unfamiliar black limousine. Maybe my dad has a visitor. Every time my dad has a meeting it only him and my step mom and step sister present. Good thing I am not into that kind of thing which is good. I went inside and the maid greet me. I slowly walked to my room. Excited to have my good night sleep. I glance to my side since I heard our Butler talking to me. "Miss, your father asked you to come to the study room. He wants you to be present there " he said. "Ok!" And I begun to walk and when I am in front of the study room. I knock the door three time and I open it after I heard my dad voice said "come in" I went inside and I stood up looking everyone. I saw my dad, my step mom and step sister and what I shocked I saw my patient Mr. Luciano Martin and his wife Amanda Martin talking to my dad. "Good evening dad, mom and sis. Good evening Mr and Mrs martin." I bow to them to show my respect. Luciano Martin has been my patient. Recently I just perform a by pass surgery for his heart. He is a good man and I love them both. They are like my grandfather and grand mother. "Sweetheart, it's really nice to see you. You are really beautiful even you are tired" Mrs Martin said. "Thank you Mrs Martin. But I am kind of puzzle why you are here? " I asked them. "Such a unpleasant child how come you asked them like that. " My dad slowly but I can still feel his anger to me. Ever since he got remarry he is always mean to me. He never want me anymore. I feel like stranger in my own home. "Oh don't say that! This child is the sweetest child we ever encountered. She work hard for me to get better and I don't know how to paid such a huge debt to her. " Mr Martin said "Mr Martin it's my duty to do that. You don't have to say it that way. " I told him. "Anyway we are here, because I give your father a proposition to invest in his company. I heard it went bankrupt and I want to invest to save it." Mr Martin said. I look to my dad and I was kind of confused. The company went bankrupt? How did it happen? I swear the company has been successful for how many years. How come??. "Of course it is truly acceptable. I am looking forward to have business with you Mr Martin." My dad said while smiling. "We will invest in your company and we will not expecting any in return. In fact we will give you money as much as your company needed. But we one something in return or rather someone" Mrs Martin said while looking at me. "What do you mean Mrs Martin?"my dad said "I want your daughter to marry my grandson Archer Martin and be part of our family." Said Mr Martin. My step mother and step sister squeal and looking like child who just given a lollipop. "Who doesn't want to marry Archer Martin. Of course it will be an honor to Marry him. " Said my step sister Lucy. "When are we going to plan the wedding?" My step mother said excitedly to our guest. "It seem like we had a little misunderstanding here. When I said I want to marry my grand son to your daughter I only mean her" Mr Martin said while pointing his finger to me. I look shock and I swear my eyes is as big as flying saucer. "Me?…..." I asked them while pointing to myself. "Yes! You dear.. I want you to be my grand daughter. I want you to marry my grandson." Mrs Martin said. "Is this some kind of a joke? I am sorry but I think I can't. I am busy to my work and I can't marry your grandson who is don't even know" I told them. "What are you talking about? You don't know Archer Martin? Are you from planet Mars? That guy is handsome and like a Greek god." My step sister Lucy told me. "But I don't....." "You are going to Marry him end of the discussion. You will not defy me." My dad said. "But dad..." Before I can finished my sentence I was cut off my dad. "No more buts!" I turn to Mrs and Mrs martin. "Why me? My sister here can marry your grandson. Please Mr and Mrs Martin. I beg you to change your mind." I plead to them while holding their both hands. "I am sorry dear. But we can't. " Mrs Martin said looking at me. "I think it's the end of the discussion. Dear please think about it. If you decide not to marry my grandson I will not invest in your father company. It's up to you dear. We are now leaving. I hope you will decide for tomorrow. Please call me Mr Cullen when you fully decide. I will be waiting till tomorrow."
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