Chapter Twenty Eight

985 Words
Jim Run.  In school, I learned about the concept of flight or fight. I also learned about how when humans are endangered, they get a rush of adrenaline that springs their bodies into action and ultimately saves their lives. Run Jim run! I couldn’t. My eyes were fixated on the beast, how fast it was approaching, how it was gnashing its teeth. My mind was aware that soon I would be on the ground, soon my flesh will be violently torn from my body, so why the f**k was I still not moving? Where the f**k was my adrenaline rush? Before I could answer any of these questions, there was a growl and then a powerful force. Claws tore through the flesh of my chest pinning me on the asphalt. The impact was heavy and overwhelming, a hysterical sound escaped my mouth, a whimper? A moan? I had no idea. The beast leaned in, aggressively gnashing its teeth. I used my arm to hold it off all the while frantically examining my environment. As I did this, I spotted something that made me go cold. Limbs, heads, blood; the beast had torn other people into pieces. I wailed as I realized that Aunt Lory could be in this m******e. Was it her head that I had spotted? It was too dark to tell and besides, the faces of these body-less humans were too disfigured. This was to be my fate, I was to die in the hands of a beast. “Help!” The beast was getting impatient. It bit my arm, I screamed. I patted the ground for anything I could use to prevent the beast from eating my face. I picked something wet that was shaped like a log. I placed it in the beast’s mouth and watched as confusion washed over its face. I shuddered when I realized that the thing I had picked from the ground was an arm. Using the beast’s shock as a distraction, I pulled myself from under it and broke off into a run. I instinctively made my way to the house with the swinging porch; I guess my subconscious needed to know whether my aunt was alive or not. I saw the steps leading to her front door and felt a rush of relief. If I could get into the house then, I had a chance to live. I moaned loudly and painfully as something sharp tore into my back leg. I cried in despair as I fell forward to the ground. This was my fate, to die in the hands of a beast. Maybe I deserved such a crude ending. After all, karma was an unforgiving b***h. I felt myself being turned. My body did not resist the force and I ended up lying on my back, heavily panting and breathing. Another scream escaped my throat when once again something sharp pierced my leg. “Help!” My voice was weak, I doubted whether anyone could hear it. I doubted whether Seth could hear it. And what if he did? What could he do? He would meet the same fate as these poor humans who had been torn to pieces. At some point I went numb with pain; the beast was eating my leg. The pain was excruciating, I could feel myself slip away. I groaned and moaned as the pain intensified and then everything went dark. * * * “Stop! Pete stop he is not one of them!” I knew that voice. My eyes felt heavy, my head groggy. As I came to, the pain in my left leg became more present, more tangible. I wanted to slip back into the state of nothing but I was also curious to find out who the voice belonged to. I fluttered my eyes open, my face felt wet. Tears? Beast’s saliva? My blood? I did not know. What I did know was that the beast was no longer devouring my leg. What had happened? I tried to angle my head to view where I was but it was virtually impossible. Instead, I darted my eyes until I caught a glimpse of a woman…no, a girl, a familiar girl. She was standing by the swinging chair on what I presumed was Aunt Lory’s porch. I watched in shock as she pulled at the chair until she managed to break one of its arms. This particular shock wore off when I heard swift approaching feet. I knew it was the beast, I knew it was coming after the girl. I wanted to warn her but my mouth would not work. My eyes widened as the beast jumped ready to pounce on the girl. I closed my eyes. I could not bear to watch the impending butchery. A beastly whimper forced me to open my eyes, the girl was panting, the arm of the swinging chair in her hands, her chest heaving. She was facing me, so I could tell who she was, even though my brain was having a hard time registering what had happened. Had I just seen roof girl tear apart a swinging chair? I had sat on that chair, I knew its sturdiness, I knew it was made from oak. So how the hell had she managed to break it with her own hands? What was she? Roof girl’s eyes slowly flitted to me, our eyes interlocked and I saw shock and fear register in her eyes. She suddenly looked pale and weak. She let go of her weapon and fell to her knees before falling to the ground. Once again I tried to open my mouth, to shout for help but nothing came out. I just laid there, helpless and in shock. Before I drifted into unconsciousness once more, I heard a scream blare through the night air. I guessed Seth had disobeyed me and gotten out of the car after all.
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