Chapter 13, Rachel

2029 Words

Chapter 13, Rachel:The sounds of running water woke Rachel from her sleep. She spat in a fruitless attempt to remove the taste of mud and river slime. It was daylight, but the sun had yet to burn through the low morning fog. It was a struggle, but she managed to roll on her back. Any movement caused a great fiery pain to shoot up her legs; she couldn’t feel her feet. Panic returned; she remembered being chased. She struggled to sit, expecting the worst. Thankfully, her lower legs and feet remained, resting in the shallow water of a rivulet. Despite the lack of feeling, they seemed intact. No pool of blood collected under her body. She lay soaked to the bone, fingers blue from the cold. The rain… she remembered the rain… must have been heavy. The surrounding ground remained drenched. N

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