Chapter 11, Dusty

2020 Words

Chapter 11, Dusty:Dusty scanned the horizon for any sign of company. They traveled deep into Zar’s waters. If the mayor’s ships discovered them, chances were good there would be a fight. With the wind at their back, they made good time to their rendezvous. Times like this, with the sails set, gave him the opportunity to reflect, even allow his mind to wander. The crew busied themselves with the constant maintenance. Dusty stood near the helm and looked like a proper captain should. Head held high, shoulders back, hands on the rail against the rolls, and his gaze searching the horizon. They stayed away from the prying eyes on land as much as possible this trip. Typically, it was common for the crew of the Rambler to troll the coastline, searching for lonely farms, stray boats, and tiny fi

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