Chapter 3 Unsuspecting Suprise

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Liam's POV Melanie.. It's nice to put a name to the stunning face that keeps invading my mind all day so far, oddly enough. There is something about her but I can't seem to pin point what it is that has my mind reeling. I just hope I can concentrate at work getting my mind off of her even if it's just for tonight. I want to make a good first impression. I find my new work after a moment as I let out a nervous breathe, walking into the new building. I get multiple stares of course as I make my way to the hostess stand. This hostess sends flirtatious looks my way as I try to just not be rude at the unwanted staring. "Hello miss my name is Liam, I'm the new Assistant General Manager, I was wondering where your manager would be so I can meet up and introduce myself." I say as I watch her eyes go wide. She puts her hand up, gesturing for me to stay put as she quickly makes her way to the back, I'm assuming to grab her Manager. After only a moment the hostess comes back out with two people in tow. "Liam! Thank you so much for coming down as soon as you could. I know it was sudden but I'm sure you heard everything we have been dealing with lately with our old AGM so we appriciate you coming to help us out.. My name is Shawna I'm the General Manager and this is Mitch he is our bar manager." She says extending her hand to me as I willingly take it, then shaking his hand next. "Nice to meet you both." "So how about we just give you a tour of the place and introducing you to some people as we pass by and we will just leave it at that for today. I want to make sure you're rested up enough from the crazy sudden move before you have to jump head first into full shifts." Shawna says to me as I smile and nod responding, "Ok then lead the way." Shawna leads as she shows me around the restaurant introducing me to people, here and there. "Ok so which one of these girls is the girl that got attacked? I heard she will be continuing to work with us because she doesn't want to lose her job but she is still filing the charges against him." I say what I know and heard about the situation. "Yea we are happy she wants to stay, she is one of our best, if not our best here. She beat the hell out of that guy so she was worried she would be fired but of course not.. She should be here by now but we haven't seen her yet.. Um.. oh there she is.. Hey Mel can you come over here for a second?" She says as my eyebrows furrow in curiosity as I turn around, of course I see the stunning woman who has invaded my mind once more. "Hey Shawna what's up?" I hear her melodic voice graces my ears once more, as she gets a big smile on her face staring at me. "Hey Melanie this is.." Shawna says as Melanie interrupts and finishes for her, "Liam." Shawna looks confused as Melanie and I both just smile at each other for a comfortable moment. "You guys know each other?" Shawna asked with even more confusion across her face. "We found out we live in the same apartments this morning and then he came over to my first job so I have seen him a couple times today.. but I'm just going to say he is following me around for the sake of the conversation." Melanie says smirking at me, making me laugh and smile back at her. "As long as he is not obsessed and harassing you like the other AGM then I think we are fine." Shawna says to us as I respond, "Not yet but at this rate it's starting look like it with how many times I have already ran into her just today." They smile as Shawna says, "Well if you have any questions, Mel is the one to ask she works more than everyone here.. like I said she is our hardest and maybe best worker here." "You're being too nice Shawna, but thank you.. and if you do have questions Liam, you're more than welcome to ask. I might not actually know the answer, but if I don't then we can figure it out together." She says smiling at me. We are interrupted by, "Melly Bear?! Mel?!" I look down at Melanie and Shawna as they both roll their eyes. "Is he still coming in here to see you?" Shawna asks as Melanie replies without missing a beat. "Every. single. day." She smiles at me then turns around walking to the bar area. "So Melly did you decide to marry me yet?!" this man yells at her. She smiles and retorts, "I couldn't do that John, it would be so unfair to all the other eligible ladies out there.. it might start a riot if you're off the market.. and we can't have that. So I will just admire.. from a distance.. a very long distance." This makes me laugh as I hear. "You know she is a firecracker but a great woman.. I just worry about her sometimes." Shawna states to me as I feel like I curiously have to ask. "why?" "She has so much spunk and will put anyone in their place but she is such a strong independent woman and has taken over taking care of her sweet brother and sister after her mother's untimely passing.. it was such a tragedy.. but she still comes in all the time with bruises and she won't say a thing about them or who gave them to her and when I ask she denies them.. For some reason she has a tendency to have a trail of obsessed men behind her and it worries me especially with the manager we just fired... but I never see her with a man either suprisingly enough.. it's only about her siblings when it comes to her, that's why she works so hard is to take good care of them because her deadbeat drunk of a step dad won't step up and do anything for any of them." Shawna explains as I just continue to stare at Melanie who glides across the room so naturally talking with anyone and everyone with a big genuine smile on her face. Everyone seems to just adore her. They all want her attention as she gracefully weaves in and out of the people around the room. Her laugh is something to put on repeat it's so lighthearted and matches her genuinely beautiful smile. I watch her walk up to the computer to put in an order as this male server comes up behind her, pressing himself against her. I watch Melanie roll her eyes as she jabs her elbow quickly with so much force into his abs that he hunches over groaning, and clutches his abs, looking as if he might fall over. She feigns shock as she states. "I'm so sorry Drake I had no idea that was you. You scared me.. oops." A smirk appears on her face as she starts to walk away. "Mel." Shawna says to Melanie gaining her attention. She walks over knowing we saw what she just did to that guy, as she replies. "What Shawna? I would like to say I feel bad but I don't want to start the shift off with a lie.. especially since you know he deserves it.. but I'll try to be nicer about how I hit him next time." She says smirking at us as Shawna laughs then I decide to say, "Nice form with your hit Mel, I bet he will be feeling that all night." She smirks up at me as I wink making her blush a light shade if pink across her cheeks. Shawna laughs at my comment as another table sits gaining her attention. She walks away to the new table that just sat, being the good employee she is apparently. Another waitress walks up to us with something in her hands. "Shawna I got the card and the cheese cake is in the back whenever.. I brought a pen if you guys want to sign it." She hands us a card as Shawna opens it up writing a message and signing below it. She whispers to me, "It's Melanie's birthday, but she hates her birthday with a fiery passion and never celebrates it, so we always have to sneak attack when it comes to her birthday." I curiously look at Melanie again as I take the card writing. happy birthday beautiful congrats on your continued survival. I hand it back to Shawna as she stares at me with a cheeky grin upon her face but not saying anything back. "Ok go grab the cheese cake and hide it behind the bar until I can get her and everyone else over there, before we ambush her." Shawna says as the girl quickly makes her way to the back to get the cheesecake. She sneaks the cake behind the bar without anyone noticing except for all of us who are anticipating it. "Alright guys get ready." She whispers to us as she yells across the room, "Mel I need to talk to you.. now." She crosses her arms with a mad look on her face and sounds almost mad, if I didn't know she was faking it.. She is a great actress. Melanie looks a little nervous but not for herself but for Shawna. She curiously looks at the people standing around and nearby Shawna as she inquires, "Is everything alright Shawna? Do you need help with something?" Shawna starts shaking her head as she says, "No.. everything is not alright Mel... The problem I see with this picture is... You're not eating your cheesecake!... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Shawna yells and throws confetti over the top of Melanie's head, as we accompany with the happy birthday yelling. Melanie starts to shake her head and back up to try to leave saying, "No guys, you know I don't like to celebrate my birthday." She keeps stepping back until she walks straight into my chest. She looks up at me not moving a muscle so I slowly push her back towards the crowd of people to celebrate her birthday. Melanie tries to push back against me and I have to say I didn't mind one bit.. She smells amazing and she was no match for my strength so I easily was able to keep pushing her back into the crowd that has accumulated just for her.. Shawna puts a plastic light up tiara on her head along with a blinking sash across her chest that says birthday girl. She groans at the situation, until her eyes light up at the sight of the appetizing cheesecake. She willingly takes a plate and eats a slice with a very satisfied looking grin upon her face. She points the fork at us before stating. "You're all lucky I love cheesecake or I would be super pissed right now.. but thank you everyone this is sweet of you." Melanie smiles shyly as Shawna steps forward handing her a card as well. "I made sure to get you a gift that I knew you couldn't use on your siblings since that's what you do with everything you get.. so ha!" Shawna spats at Melanie as she curiously opens the card, laughing and nodding. "You're right Shawna I can't use this on the kids.. thanks."She rolls her eyes at Shawna, pulling out a Victoria Secret gift card showing it to everyone around, making them laugh. "You're welcome Mel! Have the rest of the night off and just go relax please.. for one night it won't kill you." She states as if it's just a matter of fact as Melanie replies, "No Shawna I needed to make $100 tonight.. thank you though." I pull out my wallet from my pocket and get a 100$ bill out. She is still standing right by me so I just place the bill into her hand. She looks at it shaking her head and turning around locking me into a stunning sapphire gaze. " I cannot and will not accept this Liam." She states still shaking her head the whole time emphasizing her objection to my gesture. "Too bad, your going to accept it because I'm your new boss and I can suspend you without pay if you do not accept it.. Have a wonderful rest of your birthday.. relaxing." I this say to her, securing the 100$ bill into her hand as her eyes go wide and I can tell that her mind is reeling. She gets a look of defeat on her face with her eyebrows furrowed. "Ok well then have a good night thank you for everything I really don't deserve this but thank you." she comments this as she takes another peice of cheesecake putting it onto her now empty plate as she waves, blows kisses and heads to the back room to collect her things before she leaves. "Well that was the best we have done with a birthday suprise ambushing.. great job everyone... Ok Liam you can start tomorrow, the next day or the one after.. for your first full time shift if you want to. Let me know either way it doesn't matter.. but just try to have a good night and I'll see you later." Shawna says as I smile then wave, leaving the restaurant for the night. I'm walking out into the parking lot as I see Melanie walking to the park right next to the restaurant. She sits down on the bench by herself, and before I even know what I'm doing I'm walking towards her to join her.. hopefully. I inch closer as I see her take the tiara and sash off setting it to the side as she puts her hands to her face covering her eyes and leaning forward. She let's out a deep wavering breathe before she runs her hands through her hair still not knowing I'm right next to her. "May I join you birthday girl?" I ask, watching her jump since she obviously didn't know I was there. "If you don't call me that, then you can." She says staring up at me as I smile and nod agreeing before sitting down. She reaches over taking my hand into hers and I just let her until I feel her putting something into my hand before stating. "Thank you Liam but I can't accept this. You already gave me a 50$ earlier, that I felt awful about taking it by the way.. so I can't take that too." "You can and you will.. please Mel. You deserve it." I say to her as she looks even more confused and replies, "You don't know that.. just because it's my birthday, doesn't mean that I deserve it." "I can tell just by today that you deserve it, you're such a hard worker and working multiple jobs.. I don't see why you don't deserve it.. just accept it please.. no strings attached I just want to help you have a relaxing rest of your birthday off." I respond explaining as she groans and says softly, "I haven't celebrated my birthday for a long time and I won't start back up now.. thanks though." I close the bill into her hand, holding it shut with mine until she groans once more putting the bill into her pocket before saying, "Thank you Liam." I smile and nod in victory as I just have to ask. "Why don't you celebrate your birthday? Who doesn't love their birthday?" She groans standing up abruptly to walk away obviously not wanting to talk about that subject, I jump up just as quickly, grabbing her wrist stopping her in her tracks. "Hey I'm sorry, that's none of my business but I'm sure you have a good reason for hating it and I'm sorry for bringing it up. Just come sit back down I swear I won't bring it up again." I see her thinking about what she should do as she slowly turns to sit back down on the bench with me. She bends over putting her face into her hands once again before running them through her hair. She decides to break the silence by the one statement I wasn't expecting. "My mother died in my arms on my 16th birthday.. I haven't celebrated since. I can't celebrate living another day or even year, when she can't be here with me." "Oh.. I'm so sorry Melanie.. what happened to her?" She starts to vigorously shake her head in complete objection to my inquiry. She stands up again walking away but I don't get up fast enough to stop her so I quickly follow her through the park. "Mel I'm sorry I'm not trying to disrespect or anything please Mel." I yell after her as I run ahead trying to stop her, noticing her cheeks are glistening under the street lights from her tears that are now falling. I put my hands up in surrender trying to get her to stop but she doesn't stop just trying to walk around me, but I continue to make sure I stay out in front of her. She starts to back up to turn around, but I take advantage, and quickly maneuver her back into a tree almost pinning her underneath my broad frame. My hand instinctively wipes the stray tears from her eyes and over her cheeks as I state. "I'm really sorry Melanie. I swear I'll stop." She let's out a wavering breathe as I pull her into me hugging her tight. To my surprise she actually wraps her arms around me hugging me back. We don't say a word just enjoying the comfortable silence between us, which is somehow so calming.. That is until I feel her body shiver a couple times, so I finally decide to break the silence and our hold on each other reluctantly. "I feel you shivering.. did you want to go to your car to warm up or do you need a ride?" I ask her as she shakes her head saying, "I can walk thank you though." I scoff instantly as I retort, "Um no.. there is no way I'm letting you walk in the middle of winter to the same building I live in, when I can just easily drive you. Come on Mel, I'm giving you a ride and if you try to fight me on this I'll flip you over my shoulder and make you.. so your choice." She reluctantly nods at me as I take her hand in mine leading her to my car to give her a ride. She doesn't even fight my grip around her hand suprisingly enough, which is nice. I take her to my car opening the door for her politely as she smiles and sits down. I run around to the other side sitting in the car as I start the engine to try to get it warmed up for her. I turn on the heated seats to start warming up under her, in hopes that would help her feel at least a little better . I switch on some music softly to ease her mind. "So are those kids I saw you with, your siblings or are they your kids?" I ask already knowing the answer, just wanting her to open up to me more so I can get to know her. "My kids?! Oh gosh no.. they are my little sister and brother. I have been taking care of them since my mother passed." She says glancing at me. "Whats wrong with having kids?..Well you seem like a wonderful big sister then. They adore you, you can tell just that." I say to her as she smiles at me. She chuckles to herself replying."I don't think I will ever have my own kids.. not that I don't want them or anything.. I just don't have a life outside of the kids because of taking care of them.. and there is no way my step father...." She stops and doesn't finish her sentence and looking away. "Does your father not allow you to date? You are a woman.. that shouldn't matter what he says right?" I ask curiously looking at her as I park the car into the parking lot at our apartments. She just shakes her head and says, "My step father is crazy.. and territorial.. and... um.. is just something else, that I'm sure no man would be able to tolerate especially when it's just for me.. I can't even tolerate him I can't expect anyone else too.." She says mysteriously making my mind reel. "I bet there is a man who would tolerate him for you.. you seem worth any hassle or obstacle." I say to her as she chuckles again to herself. "Well I guess you're the only one who thinks that Liam." "Good." I say to myself liking that I might be the only man who would really be going for her. She looks up at me curiously but doesn't say anything else to me as she opens the door to get out and head inside. I do the same following right behind her. I open the building door for her as she smiles and walks in with me trailing behind. She stops at the bottom of the stairs turning around before saying, "Thanks for the ride Liam and the harassing but also the birthday money.. you didn't have to, but it was all somehow pleasant.. oddly enough." I look at her with confusion and a little bit of offense as her eyes go wide and she tries to explain. Stepping down the stairs closer to me. "I'm sorry that came out wrong.. I just never talk with anyone like we have and it was nice.. uncomfortable, but in a little bit of a nice way.. thanks again, see you later." She says smiling and waving at me as I wave back watching her walk away up the stairs.. but still wanting to follow her. I need to get to know this girl if she will let me.. little by little I'm sure I could win her over.. especially since no one else is even willing to really try just for her. I think she would be well worth any obstacles that may arise. So bring it on.
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