1940 Words
“My darling little sister!” Avery barged into my room, looking all excited. We haven’t been the closest since her outburst and I wasn’t even smiling with her right now. I closed the book on my lap that I had been staring at for the last thirty minutes with a loud thud and replaced it to it’s position on the shelf. I had finished up most of the paper work for the meeting with Auradon that was taking place a few minutes from now, so I decided to focus on some stupid book about the origin of Atlantis to get over the fact that I would be in Auradon any time from now. That place was still a constant reminder of what was never to be and the only reason I still go there is because of my sister, Zelda, Zelda is my immediate elder sister and she has the best life amongst all three of us. Well, I may be wrong but I wouldn’t even deny the fact that I envy how much her mate cherishes and adores her. She used to be the odd one amongst myself and Avery, but things turned out well for her. While I and my elder sister Avery spent all the time following my mothers footsteps and training ourselves to be the perfect princesses, Zelda choose to mingle with the palace maids and those of lower class. Thanks to her, we were able to find those responsible for my fathers death which happened to be my mother and her lover, and in the process, she found her mate. It wasn’t all rosy and even though her mate rejected her initially, they found a way to get their mate bond back and they have a beautiful daughter now. I envy her many times and I wish I had half the guts she had. Maybe if I wasn’t so uptight, things would have turned out better between me and my mate. Being well mannered is not such a bad thing, but I know I need to loosen up. Vinder was one of my plans to loosen up but look how well that is going. “What?” I asked Avery with little interest. “So what do you think about my dress?” Avery asked me, twirling around so I could have a good view. It was no different from her usual style, but saying that would mean another forty minutes to one hour of helping her select another dress and I was in no mood for that. “Perfect,” I give her a wide smile to sound convincing. “Are you sure? Or are you just don’t want to help me out?” she looked down at the dress skeptically. “It’s perfect Ave, you look beautiful in anything and you know it, besides, we are going to be late if you waste one more minute here,” I rolled my eyes. I didn’t need to be nice to her. I was still angry at her, I told myself. “Okay, whatever,” she huffed, before taking one last look in the mirror, then she strides out with her new found confidence while I followed behind. Her confidence since she attained the post has improved more than it used to be, and day in and day out, things were changing in Atlantis. For the better, must I add. Avery had one meeting or the other to attend, and we were constantly hosting one ball or the other, but tonight was different. Tonight, we were going over to Auradon, and that was enough to make me feel sick. She turned to me sharply, as if just realizing something. Then she looked me over, and her lips curled up distastefully. “You can’t wear this,” she says. I looked down to admire the dress I had on. I must admit it wasn’t really appealing for the occasion, but I didn’t plan on wearing anything nice either. “I can, and I will,” I say forcefully. She looked shocked for a while, and if I didn’t know better, I would say she panicked for a little over a second. “Phoebe, you can’t wear this,” she says with more authority in her voice. I frowned. I didn’t look my best but I didn’t look bad either. Auradon was a sister kingdom, and no one would care if I come in my night wear. Umm.. maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but really, I didn’t feel the need to be all dressed up going there. If I had my way, I would not even be there at all. “It’s not in your place to dictate my outfits,” I add, deepening my frown. She sighed. “Ok what if you meet someone special there?” she asked. I was going to laugh, but I was acting tough right now, so I suppressed it. “I don’t care about meeting anyone special in Auradon,” I say. Anyone asides Henry, that is, but I wasn’t going to let that out. “Are you sure, Phoebe?” she asked. I rolled my eyes and shrugged “Yes, I’m sure,” I respond. She stood there staring, or should I say glaring at me, and I returned the favor. Avery may be all about her looks, after all she is the queen, but I am not like that. I used to be like that, but not anymore. A lot has changed in the last eleven months, and I think things would remain like this from now on. “Please, can you change?” she adds a little desperately. This time, I was forced to raise a brow. Avery hardly pleads for anything, especially when it has to do with my dressing. “Please can we go?” I retorted. She was acting funny, but I wasn’t going to fall for whatever it is she was up to. Last time I went to Auradon was when Ariel, my Niece was born almost three months ago. The thought of her was enough to make me smile. Avery didn’t care about my looks then, I don’t see why she is so bothered now. “Fine, but you are going to regret it,” she says before turning round and continuing to the already waiting vehicle. “If you had to go on those stupid dates, you would be more interested in your dressing than you are right now,” she muttered under her breath. I don’t know if she meant for me to hear that but I was not going to pay any mind to her. I looked down at my dress one last time and concluded it wasn’t so bad for the occasion. I don’t have to be dressed like a princess all the time. Everyone knows who I am. I didn’t need to make a point. Avery didn’t even need to be at this meeting if you asked me, but she was loyal to her duties and she made herself available every time, even when she wasn’t needed. I dreaded the ride to Auradon, but if not anything, I was glad I would be seeing my cute niece Ariel. We drove in a convoy. Because the Queen was aboard, things were a little extra. Avery was closest to my mum while she was still here but over a couple of months now, she has made changes and sealed deals that my mum couldn’t make in years. I fear that she may be getting power-drunk though. The kinsmen were worried about her getting a husband. In the past, a woman on her own could not sit on the throne without a male but things changed when she came into power. She seems not to care about the male folks like she used to before, and I don’t know if that is a bad or a good thing. I know I have been on a spree to find a partner but it was all in a bid to get over Henry, and you already know how that has been turning out for me. I hate to admit it but I wasn’t really fair to him. I should have given him a chance, maybe I should have listened to him for once, or maybe I shouldn’t have treated him that way after he saved my life. He probably would still have stuck around if I didn’t act that way. Then I tell myself he deserved it for what he did. It appears like I was trying to convince myself each time my thoughts wandered in that direction, but if I had only listened maybe I would not be so miserable. Arrgh. There it was again. The more I tried to push him out the more he crawled back into my thoughts, leaving me wandering and filled with regrets most times. For f***s sake I stayed eighteen months after that night without him, why did the last eleven months feel this way? If I knew where he was now it would have been easier. In the past, I took consolation in the fact that he didn’t care, but he f*****g put his life at risk for me. He cared, he actually cared, but I was too hurt to own up to it. Avery kept the journey lively by chatting about a lot of things that I wasn’t exactly interested in, and an uneasy feeling settled at the pit of my stomach when we drove into the gates of Auradon. I still dread coming here, and the only thing that appealed to me was the fact that I would be seeing my little niece. Every time I am here reminds me of that faithful day, and how everything changed after that. Charlotte and Zelda stood waiting for us at the front porch of the castle with Charlotte heavily pregnant. Her mate was beside her, holding her hands and whispering something in her ears that made her laugh as they waved at us. I knew I had to drop my gloomy act now and act happy for the next few hours that I would be here, and I hoped I could pull it off for as long as possible. I hugged Zelda who was always overly excited to see us. I used to be closer to Zelda than Avery, but it seemed they have bonded better and Avery is closer to Zelda, well they were both Queen’s and had a lot more to discuss, unlike me. Besides, Avery frequented Auradon more than I did. A line of servants emerged to welcome us into the castle and I was made to smile and act all friendly as Zelda goes on to introduce us to a line of guests. Her mate, Leroy was equally as happy to see us, but I don’t think he likes me much. He has never said anything of the sort but I think he blames me for his friend’s sudden disappearance. I wouldn’t blame him though, not like I have much friends but I understand they had been very close. Avery easily blended into the crowd and I understood her reason for wanting me to dress extravagantly. Every one asides from me seemed overly dressed and happy. The crowd wasn’t so large but there was excitement in the air, and like you already know, I wasn’t feeling elated. “Why are you dressed like that?,” Zelda whispered into my ears, disapproval in her voice. “Huh,” I turned to her, but before I can respond, she starts to drag me by my hands up the stairs.

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