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MYXY’S POV I don’t know how to get rid of her, and I don’t know how to resist her strength, also the power that surrounds her. I can’t think straight, and I don’t know how to deal with it. “A--ackkk.” “Myxy!” aunty called me, and she couldn’t get away either. All of the sudden, Lilibeth sprang to the surface when a dog almost twice the size of a normal dog appeared. Even though it was tough, I stood up. I gazed at it and noticed its blue eyes, which reminded me of the man we’re trying to persuade me to be their luna. It’s impossible that he's here. I thought to myself, and then I took my sword. I attacked Lilibeth from behind, but she stopped me before I could get near and was splashed out. I closed my eyes because I could feel the agony again, but I couldn’t feel anything, so when I opened my eyes, I breathed through the hand on my waist and the other hand on my shoulder from behind. When he was sure that I was safe, his form suddenly changed, he attacked Lilibeth again. She was thrown somewhere, and I didn’t saw her. He looked at me, which surprised me and actually scared me. I grabbed my sword then, I pointed it at him, even though I was shaking, I showed that I will not be defeated even if he was bigger than me. His form changed, that’s when I saw his face, and I slowly lowered the sword. I sat down because I suddenly felt weak. He immediately picked me up, and my aunt was freed from the beast. The last thing I remember is the portal we entered, and we returned home. “He’ll be fine, won’t she?” I heard the voice say but I know it was my aunt. “She’s fine, and her wounds are healing on their own,” said a voice that I know came from one of Karol’s companions yesterday. I only know Karol out of the four of them, and the others are not especially, the boss they were talking about. When I opened my eyes, I saw their faces as if I was in a coffin and they were looking at me. I was annoyed by what they did, so I immediately stood up and looked at them one by one. “We’re checking you,” said the woman. I think her name was Joy if I’m not mistaken. I just sighed when I remembered what happened earlier, I looked at their boss, I signal to him to come closer, and he did, I took a deep breath. “How did you get there?” I asked him. “You left the portal you made open,” he answered, and I was embarrassed because of that. “I’m really stupid,” I said to myself, I clenched my fists. Honestly, if it wasn’t for them, my aunt and I probably wouldn’t be here now. “Thank you for helping us,” I said, and then Joy smiled. “You know you’re beautiful, I admire your beauty, and you’re also strong, I can see that when you can, you won’t give up, and as long as you can, you won’t ask for help from others. Even if you really need it,” her litany made me look at her. “You can read my mind?” I asked her. “I’m not a mind reader. I can only see your every gesture and movement. If you agree to be our luna, we will help you with your problems in your world,” she convinced me. I didn’t know what to answer, I looked at their prince, and he smiled at me like a stupid. Actually, I dislike his appearance and his presence, but if they are the cause for me to see my mother and save her, I will do the same. “Alright,” I answered and saw their smiles. “We will make sure everything will be fine, and when Haiden is appointed to be an Alpha of our wolf pack, we will promise to save your world,” said a man. “Titus is right,” Joy said. So this one’s name is Titus, and he’s Haiden? I wasn't expecting his name to be more attractive than his. But he's attractive, albeit not in my eyes. We agreed on what to do but what I know is that the red moon is still around for a long time, so I need to study spells and what could be the solution to restore the witch land. I also need to figure out how to improve my power over Lilibeth's strength since I don't know how I can fight her with her strength. While I was busy working, I heard someone come in, so I immediately greeted them with a smile. But my smile disappeared when I saw a man with this two companions, and I couldn’t stand his strange presence. When he noticed me, he gave me a peculiar smile that made me ghost bump, so I straightened up and asked them what they needed. I’m afraid, and I don't know how to confront them with simply a smile. I want to runaway from them. “What do they need?” I asked with a smile, and he came closer to me, I immediately pulled him back. “I’m looking for something different,” he answered, and he was very close to me. “You’re too close to me just for that something, Sir,” I said, then he grinned. I want to runaway from him, and I want to disappear suddenly. But there is CCTV so I can’t be complacent because my boss might be angry with me. I straightened up and still smiled at him because he hasn’t done anything bad to make me angry, so I won’t overreact. While talking to him, I looked at the door, and there I saw Haiden, Titus, Joy, and Karol. I saw how they frowned, and Joy immediately come to me then pulled me away from the man I was talking to. In that way, I immediately found out that my suspicion was correct. They were connected to each other. “Why are you here?” Haiden asked the man. “Oh? Our youngest brother is here? Who is weaker and will never be stronger than me,” he said grinning at Haiden, then I looked at him, he clenched his hand. I come close to him, then I held his hand. He was surprised by what I did. I looked at the man, then he became serious and looked at our hands. “This shouldn’t happen,” he said, I could see the confusion on his face. “If you’re also one of those looking for his luna, it’s not me because I’m destined for Haiden,” I said, and he frowned. “What you were saying is impossible. I see that you are my luna and…” He looked at Haiden and was about to attack him when I suddenly stopped him. “There is a CCTV here,” I said, then he looked at where it was. They went out, and I immediately followed them, but I remembered that there was no one in the store. That’s why I made a clone of myself that could help me, and followed them. I don’t know where they went, and I don’t know where to find them. Fortunately, I have the power to know their whereabouts, when I saw them, I saw how much warmth they looked at each other. “We can’t be in just one woman, Haiden,” said the man. I go to Joy, and she looked at me. “It can’t be. I don’t know how they ended up at the only one luna when it’s necessary there really should be only one,” she said, confused. Even I was confused by what was happening. “Who is that?” I asked Joy. “Haike is the strongest and proudest son of Alpha. And if Haiden is smart, he is the stupid one among them three.” I wasn’t sure whether I could laugh at what she said, but I couldn’t stop myself. They shifted form, which astonished me, but they just stood there and observed what would happen. I also just looked at what they were going to do, but I liked Haiden’s unique eyes more than Haike whom she was talking to. They formed a circle and predicted who would assault the two of them first. Haiden struck initially but was quickly countered by Haike. I closed my eyes throughout their battle because I didn't know how to look at them or watch them fight because I was frightened of what would happen to Haiden. To be honest, I’m annoyed that I’m worried about him when I have nothing to worry about. But he promised me that he would help me with my problem, so he can’t be defeated because of this. I looked directly into his eyes, then I signaled him to win the battle, he nodded at me, then he looked at Haikes. The match was too tied, and I make a way for Haiden to win against his brother. I cast a little spell that would help him, I did it secretly. At that time, he rushed at Haikes, then he was thrown away and bumped into a tree, his form changed while holding his flank. “Yes!” I said with a smile, then I run to Haide, and hugged him. “You’re great. You did it!!!” I praise him. “Yes, Boss, you’re good. Is this the first time you’ve won against your brother?” Karol said. “What the fck?” I said and couldn’t believe it. “First time? You’re that kind of weak? I can’t believe it,” I said then turned around. “Wait! Listen to me, Myxy!” he called my name, I just walked and didn’t listen to him. “Why the fvck would I listen to you after I heard that sht?” He suddenly grabbed my arm causing me to stop, then I brought him to a high place. I hid the presence of both of us so that no one could hear us but us. I looked into his eyes and felt disgusted because I trusted this man. “I admit that I’m a wimp. I admit that this is the first time that I beat Haikes. But I’m doing everything in my ability to prove that I can. I’m not doing it for myself because I’m afraid of what will happen if they lead our pack. So I hope you realize why I require you,” he explained. To be honest, I didn’t feel strange feelings before, my annoyance and anger disappeared because of his explanation. I just overreacted too much earlier, even though he is the weak one, he still has a strong heart which is the reason for me to trust him. “Ok. I’m sorry,” I said, and he held my hand. “I am too,” he also said, and I smiled. “We’re good now?” I asked him, he nodded. After that, I went back to the store. Fortunately, my shift ended well, and nothing happened except what happened earlier. When I got home, I saw my aunt preparing food, and she immediately asked me to eat. After I finished eating, I went up to my room. I thought about what happened earlier, I smiled because of that. I’ve never felt that way before when we talked. I touched my left chest and felt something strange inside of it. I’m thinking about what would happened that now I accept to be his luna. “Wait,” I said, and then I stood up. “Oh my gosh.” I covered my mouth and then looked at myself in the mirror. “That’s impossible.” “The what?” I looked at my door, and my aunt came to me. “Which one can’t?” she wondered ask. “Isn’t it necessary to do a mate thing to find out if I’m the right luna for the next alpha?” I told my aunt, and then she think about it. “Does this mean…” “Whatever you think it is will happen,” she said, and then I gasped. “But---” “That’s the right thing to do, Myxy, because that’s what wolves do,” my aunt explained. I just comprehended everything now because I just remembered reading about a werewolf. I feel like I’m going insane as a result of what I discovered, and I don’t know what to do. Aunty lay down on her bed, while I lay on my bed. Because of what I am thinking, I couldn’t sleep. “Gosh Myxy, how did you get into this mess,” I said to myself.
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