Chapter Six

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Mel POV  No this can't be happening to me. No no no. I couldn't believe how I could be so stupid to get pregant at just eighteen. With my mind racing at top speed,I felt my walls crushing around me and there was nothing I could do. I felt like a complete slut at that moment. The doctor's office suddenly became so small to contain me.  Why me? Where did I go wrong? It was just one moment, I followed my heart for once and look where it landed me. I couldn't keep the tears that had gathered underneath my eyes anymore especially when I saw the look of pity on the doctor's face. It's been already a month since I had that unfortunate encounter with the stranger. Every day that passes after, I was filled with bittersweet feelings. I hated him but at the same time missed him. I know that I shouldn't have lied to him but that doesn't give him the right to treat me the way he did. "Are you alright Miss Montero?" I was startled by the doctor's voice. Looking at him, he held a face full of concern and I felt guilty as if a percentage of my burden was laid on him. "I am sorry but I didn't expect this".  "Don't worry dear, do you mind me  talking  to you about your alternatives?" "I have seen much younger kids getting pregnant and I try to help them know what they can do.  You can choose  to keep the baby or abort . You can also put it up for adoption". For the first time since I heard that I was pregnant, I thought of how amazing it feels to know I have a life inside of me. I realized how selfish I was . It was my mistake not his. At that moment I didn't know how I would do it but what I knew for sure was that I wanted to keep the baby. The thought of abortion suddenly became bitter to me. "Miss are you alright?" The doctor asked thinking he said something wrong. I couldn't help but just nod. "So?" He asked wanting me to say something  "I will keep the baby". "Wow congratulations miss Montero. I prescribe this medication, it  will help with your morning sickness and also help the baby develop healthily". I held my belly and started to speak with my baby as if it could hear me.  "Mummy loves you baby and promise to always do. I won't give up on you, We will be just fine. I wish your daddy could be part of  us but I don't know him". I felt foolish to say this but I knew it was the truth. I don't have even the slightest information about him. Not even his name yet I'm pregnant with his child.  What am I going to tell my parents?  ***Flashback*** "Melly, will you please get down here and give me a hand in the kitchen?. There is so much to do".  Mum called from downstairs bringing my video chat with Annie to an end. "Hey mum w******p?" "Your uncle Sam is coming for a visit. And he is due to be here in three hours. He is gonna be here with his new wife, Martha". Uncle Sam is my favorite uncle. He is junior to my dad and he understands me better than dad. He used to stay with us until he moved to Minnesota to settle down and work. He was so protective of me that even my guy friends at school couldn't come and visit me. He is funny and always cracking jokes. The day he left was a sad one indeed. I miss him so much "So what do you need me to do?" "Wash and chop the veggies". Mum answered putting the chicken into the oven. "OK mum, right away". Half way through the chopping of the veggies, I suddenly felt dizzy but was later filled with darkness as I  hit a hard surface. I woke up several hours later to my mum's worried face. "Mel are you alright?" "Yes mum I'm fine". "What happened?" I asked confused. "Baby you fainted in the kitchen while  you  were helping me prepare dinner". “Uncle Sam!” I shouted, reality hitting me, making me remember the reason I was helping mum. "Yes dear, are you alright now?" Only then did I realize not just mum was in the room but my uncle Sam and dad as well. "Uncle Sam" I called out excitedly making an attempt to get out of bed but was stopped by dad telling me to take a bit of rest before getting up. "Uncle Sam when did you get here?" I asked him, searching the room to see whether his wife is here. "About an hour ago". "And Auntie, where is she?" "Owww her ,she is in the living room. She has to breastfeed Cobby". "Yehey!!!" My eyes beaming with excitement at the mention of my cousin's name. I love him so much and he is such a darling. Even though he is just 3 months old, one could tell he will be a ladies man because of his cuteness. My mum left the room only to return with a tray containing my favorite potato salad and a slice of my favorite red velvet cake. I was able to join the rest of my family after my meal. The family reunion was nice and beautiful but was interrupted by my sudden urge to puke. I made it to the bathroom on time to see my whole day's meal being wasted into the toilet bowl. It was so painful. My throat and tummy hurt so bad. "Honey are you alright?" My dad asked pulling my hair back "Yes dad, I think it's something I ate". "Baby if by tonight you are not okay, we are going to the hospital". my mum said from behind us. During the night, I felt so weak due to my constant puking. I couldn't get anything  in there, not even water. My mum was checking up on me frequently to see whether I  needed anything. "Melly, we are going to the hospital first thing in the morning". "Your dad's flight to Canada leaves in four hours so he won't be able to join us". "I'm alright mum" "It might be something I ate or food poisoning". "No! you are not". we are going to the hospital and that's final." Getting ready for our departure to the hospital, my mum got an important call from my aged grandma informing her to come immediately.  So here I find myself,  in the doctor's office being told I am pregnant. ***End of flashback*** All my life dad has trained and raised me up on moral standards.  Dad is  strong, principled and takes no nonsense. Just thinking about it caused me to shiver. What will happen when he finds out his little girl is no angel. My dad is so proud of me that he brags to his friends about raising a responsible,intelligent and dignified lady. He never ceases to praise me to his friends and close relatives. He sometimes tells me that he feels his friends envy him because of his well raised kid. I know my parents love me so much and I hope they will understand. But knowing my dad? It's unpredictable
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