Chapter Twenty-One

2245 Words

Mel' POV "S-si-sir w-wh-what a-r-are you do-oing?" I stammered not being able to talk clearly, I was cut short by his lips on mine. It took a while to kiss him back. I couldn't resist no matter what I did. It felt like hours since we been kissing but in reality it was mere seconds. "What are you doing?” I murmured through our joint lips. "Get your filthy hands off me." I pushed him hard, reality hitting me as to what I was doing. Before I could stop myself or even think through, I found my palm connected to his right cheeks. Oh gosh what have I done? I could see the pure fury in his eyes. "Get out of my office!" "I-I-am sorry Sir, I didn't mean to do that." I said pleadingly. For the shortest time I had known him,I had never seen him look like this before, With so much fury in his

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