Never Again

2368 Words

Bad Bunny-Soy Peor (It's in Spanish :)  Antone:      There's a divide between all of us now. Some of the hunters are questioning why Alice was allowed to remain in charge for as long as she had. Others are seething with the fact that a witch had to come in to save us. Personally, I don't mind that she did. Kambria Knowles knows how to lead with an iron fist. I expect nothing less from the High Priestess of the entire Pacific. My worries lie in the intentions of the hunters who don't want her here. They're talking and I don't like what I'm hearing.     "You've changed, Antone,"      I looked up at the girl I had been in love with since I first laid eyes on her in third grade. She had been so different then. Carrying, motivated to do good. She had the uncanny ability to adjust to changes

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