Baby, What Happened?

2397 Words

REZZ- Witching Hour      My eyes fluttered open. I instantly knew something was wrong but I don't know what it is. It's dark. Probably past midnight or at least getting there. I can hear my phone ringing. I sat up to find that I'm not home. I vaguely remember coming here and nothing after my phone was taken away. I jumped up to my feet to see a bunch of dark shadows laying on the floor around me.      I rushed to the wall and turned the lights on and instantly turned them back off when I saw what the shadows on the floor are bodies. Dead bodies. Everything flashed in front of me as I tried to steady my breathing. My hand instantly reached for the hem of my dress. I pulled it up to see that I'm still covered in blood but there's nothing. No open wounds where she had stabbed me repeatedly.

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