Episode Two

1051 Words
It's been three days since the incident at the party happened. Ezye scolded herself one morning when she woke up, remembering what she had done. His face was familiar; she thought she had seen him from somewhere. Now she is signing some papers to receive the upcoming products for her coffee shop. When she glanced at her wrist, it was already 11:50, lunchtime. She was about to leave when Ambrey called. Hitting the answer button, she put the phone on her ear. "Pack some clothes tonight. You're coming with me tomorrow", Ambrey blurted without saying hello. "What is all about, Brey? I need to finish some documents for my shop." Asking while organizing the papers she had signed. "I'm sure you'll finish it after dark, so that's a yes, right?" her best friend exclaimed with a hint of excitement. "Okay. What time?" She can't say no to her, especially when it's showing some excitement. She wants Ambrey to be happy. She heard her shout yes in the line. "7:30 am sharp. I'll see you here tomorrow. Don't forget to bring your bikini! Love you." Without waiting for her response Ambrey ended the call. Ezye did not even manage to ask where to go. After fixing some loose strands of hair, she left her office to feed herself lunch. "Give me one valid reason why I should consider Mr. Guzman's request for partnership with this new project," Ginrre questioned his secretary. He wouldn't have attended the invitation if it wasn't for his mother. He already knew it was not just an invitation but also a business. That's how the business world works. Speaking of the recent party, he remembered someone occupying his mind these past few days. That made him do weird things he had never done before. He started sketching her face many times and put it in a frame. He became so obsessed that he didn't notice he was already spacing out a lot. "Mr. Clarkstone? Are you still there?" he was back to reality when his secretary waved his hand in front of him. Clearing his throat, he composed himself and focused. "Yeah?" he asked, which made his secretary confused. "You were asking about the partnership of Mr. Guzman for the new project. And asked for a valid reason why you should accept it," his secretary explained. Ginrre realized that he was spacing out earlier and did not remember anything. "And?" he added. "And I was saying it is a big opportunity to launch a new technology since we live in today's high-tech generation. Especially with teenagers who use different gadgets, it is a big advantage for us to add new technologies as we adopt a new generation. And the chances of losing are low," his secretary explained. "When is the launching date? " he asked while looking outside. It's nearly 3 pm, and he has a meet-up with Red, his childhood friend, at 3:30. "This coming July, sir. Two months from now," he looked at his watch and organized some papers. "Leave it to me. I need to think about it again. The chances of winning are higher, but we shouldn't be carried away. And double-check the background of Guzman's company. If I choose their offer, I need clear information that they don't do dirty work behind." he instructed him, left his office, and went to the elevator. When he reached the restaurant, Red was already there smiling like an i***t, which made his brows deformed. The man knows how to piss him off by just smiling. He hates it. "Make sure that you were calling me for something important, not for your stupidity," he blurted as he sat in front of him. "Ouch. You hurt my feelings, babe. You don't love me anymore?" Red answered while acting like being hurt. "Spit it out, Stroner," he said, controlling his temper not to punch his friend's annoying face. Red laughed and waved his hand as a sign of surrender. He knows that Ginrre won't buy his joke. "Pack some clothes. Tomorrow at my private resort ." his brows arch upon hearing it. He has no time for a vacation. He has a full list of busy schedules. He sighed. This jerk really hit my nerves. Without words, he started walking. But Red said something that made him stop. "And oh, I know someone important will be there too. Is it Ezye Brentdy? '' Red added, giving him the 'I-know-you-will-come- look. He faced him again to reassure him he had heard it right. "How do you know she will be there?" he asked. "I saw the future." Red made a joke again that made him upset. Ginrre relaxes and sits back in the chair, facing his jerk friend. Time for payback. "I remember I still need to review the contract you asked me for again. I think I'll just crumble it and throw it in the trash–" "She's the best friend of Ambrey I'm dating right now," Red cut him off, without blinking. It means a lot to him the contract that he asked for. And knowing his grumpy friend, he wouldn't hesitate to waste it anytime. Part of Gin is dancing just at the thought of seeing her again, and the excitement is overflowing in his body. "Make sure you don't let outsiders enter. I don't want others to see what mine is", he warned Red, as his face turned dimmed just thinking about another man staring at his woman. Well, not literally her for now, but she'll be his sooner. And he swore it. "Geez. I have some goosebumps here," Hugging himself, Red knows that no one can stop his childhood friend from wanting what he wants. He knows him so much since they both grew up together. He remembered when Gin lost one of his favorite toys when they were young. If Gin's mother had not been home, he would have already killed the kid who took his toy from him. He took his father's 45 calibers from his drawer and pointed it out to his neighbor's son. Luckily, their maid had called his mother and stopped him. He never forgot how Gin was so desperate to kill the kid and the looks on his face just like right now that he feared before.
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