Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5. Fredrick’s legs felt like they were going to buckle under the weight of the utter agony that began in his chest and consumed his whole body. He halted slightly in his bid to get to his bed and curl himself into a ball when he heard the UK princess shout at him to ‘f**k off’. He was struggling to put one foot in front of the other, as pain that radiated over his body intensified. As he bundled through the door of his home, he fell to his knees, letting out a low groan of utter agony. “Fredrick,” Henrick said, helping his best friend and Crown Prince up, and getting him to his bedroom. It was not the first time he had looked after Fredrick, and he doubted it would be the last. “I thought you said she was in labour?” Fredrick groaned out, as his body began to sweat and shake. “Lance messaged me. I am sorry, I didn’t pick it up till just now, through training. They are back at the house. It was a false alarm,” Henrick gently explained, wishing there was something he could do to help Fredrick, and cursing the fact that Lance was miles away, and out of mind-linking range. “How many false alarms is she going to have?” Fredrick said through gritted teeth as he curled up into the foetal position, as the pain increased, taking his breath away. This was not something new to the prince. He had lived like this for years now. Since that fateful day, he saw Løna Koch, his human mate. The rush of excitement he had felt at finding her had been addictive. He remembered standing in awe, as she smiled at the server in a Café in Aalborg, which is in the north part of Jutland, the mainland of Denmark. Her long blonde hair bounced in its high ponytail, her eyes glistening with happiness as she had taken her coffee. He did not notice at that point that she had purchased two, but he did know that she was human. That did not bother him, he believed in the sanctity of the mate bond, and he never thought her species would be an issue. Yes, he would need to take things a little slower than with a werewolf mate, and then tell her what he was, but that had not dampened his enthusiasm. He had stepped forward to speak with her when he saw her face light up. Fredrick had thought that she had somehow felt the mate bond, but his hopes were dashed when she was not looking at him, but a man behind, who had just walked in the door. Fredrick had watched his heart breaking when he saw the man approach his beautiful human mate and kiss her passionately on the lips. The pain in his chest was instant, Soren his wolf whimpered loudly inside him, his ears back and tail between his legs, but that was just the beginning. Taking his own coffee, he moved to a table near her. After all, if the man was a boyfriend, she would still be drawn to him. He had believed that he could still claim his mate. Listening to the conversation, he soon realized that he could never be with her. She was married to that man, and they already had a couple of children. He could no longer claim her. He would never be responsible for breaking up a family, and he would not hurt his mate. If she divorced her husband, her children would be in pain, and that would hurt her. Fredrick would never do that to someone who was supposed to be his other half and complete him. It was a time before the existence of werewolves was known, and so he was unable to reject her. Ever since he lived with the pain of infidelity, every time Løna enjoyed her married life, he was paralyzed with the pain that would bring him to his knees. He had thought he would be fine when he invited Alisha to come to Denmark. Løna was pregnant, again, and her due date had been a week ago. Lance, one of his most trusted warriors, was her protector, watching over her and Bent, her husband, from afar, then feeding back information to Fredrick. He had seen the pair rush off with the children, drop them off to Løna’s parents, and head to the hospital. It meant that Fredrick would be pain-free for a minimum of six weeks, as she would be unable to have relations with her husband after the birth of her child. It may even be longer, depending on how the child sleeps. However, it was a false alarm. Labour had not started. Since then, the happy couple had embarked on a mission to induce labour in the traditional way, of having s*x. Lots of s*x. Leaving Fredrick unable to function or meet the royals from the UK. Earlier the pain subsided again, and he received a call from Lance, to say they were 'operation go' again, and so he had gone out to training. He was still feeling weak from Løna and Bent’s s*x-a-thon, so he had not taken part, but he had felt happier than he had in a long time. Then he saw her. Princess Rebecca Colton. She was beautiful, and he had found it difficult to take his eyes off her. It had been a long time since he had felt the stirring in his loins, his body no longer reacting to the female form, and since his injury during the last war, he had not so much as had a ‘morning glory’. But as he glanced at her, and she displayed her sassy attitude, the feeling of the blood rushing to between his legs had taken him by surprise, shortly followed by relief, that he was still in working order. He did not know why he could not take his eyes off her, Princess Rebecca. She was beautiful. Her long purple hair danced as she fought against Queen Alisha. Her perfect figure was shown off in its best light in the tight Lycra training pants, and tight sports bra. The bounce of her ample breasts as she rolled over the floor, had him fantasising that he was the one in the mud with her. He felt momentarily confused and wondered why Søren his wolf had not uttered one word of complaint at the lust-filled thoughts that had flooded his mind, increasing the blood flow to his now hard fully erect manhood. For the first time, in forever, his mind was not on Løna, nor did he feel any pain. But then her top ripped, and he was filled with a sudden urge to rush over and throw her over his shoulder, almost like a caveman, and take her back to his chalet and have her, over and over, until neither of them could move from exhaustion. That thought had angered him. He felt disgusted with himself. How could he even contemplate doing that with anyone? He was not sure if he would take another woman if his mate could feel the pain of infidelity that he was afflicted with. She was pregnant, and the thought of causing her pain like he endured had brought him back to earth with a bang. Then, suddenly, the pain of infidelity began again. “You need to reject her, Fredrick,” Henrick sighed, not for the first time. He was helpless, nobody could do anything to ease the emotional and physical agony Fredrick experienced, daily. Sometimes hourly. “I can’t, Henrick. You know that if she sees me, then she may feel the bond. It would destroy her family. Plus, the pain of rejection is horrific, and we know that even human mates feel it. Plus, she is pregnant. It could cause untold damage to her unborn child. It could even result in a stillbirth,” Fredrick attempted to sound menacing, but due to the pain, his voice was barely above a whisper. “f**k, when will this end!” Fredrick cried out, as another wave of agony hit him. “s**t Fredrick. You know you are like a brother to me, but this cannot go on. You are unable to function half the time. I am not saying do it now, but you need to go see her, tell her who you are and then reject her, and have her accept the rejection. You have pissed off an international visitor to our pack. I mean, what the f**k was that about? You need to apologise for being a d**k, along with being missing again tomorrow, if Mrs Koch doesn’t go into real labour tonight. It is killing your family, Fredrick. Your mother, the Queen, is never off the telephone asking how you are doing. Hell, the whole Royal Helsingør pack suffers every time you disappear and then reappear looking like death. Fredrick was so consumed with pain he could not respond, it was not something that he hadn’t heard before a million times, and he had his reasons for not rejecting her. However, what he could not tell anyone was he was fearful. Scared that she would be his one and only chance at having a mate and true happiness. Maybe, just maybe, something would happen, and he could finally claim her. He knew there was little above zero chance of that happening, but however small the chances were, he clung to hope that one day, it would happen. fin “But we can move on, Fredrick. Today proved that. We can find happiness with another,” Søren whispered. the wolf finding the strength to say. Fredrick groaned again, as images of Rebecca flooded his mind, the all-consuming pain becoming more manageable. “Sorry wolf, even if that was true, she probably would not want us, because let's be honest, she probably hates us now,” Fredrick responded. Then, as the pain finally subsided completely, he passed out from exhaustion into a fitful sleep.
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