Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9. Becca looked at Alisha as Hendrick drove the SUV like he was staring in a ‘Fast and Furious’ film. “What the hell is going on?” Becca linked with her friend. “I don’t know, but something is definitely not right. Mia is pacing in my head, growling like a maniac, and I cannot get her to calm down,” Alisha linked back. Hendrick drifted the car round the corner, as it skidded into the pack lands. Rather than come to a stop, he placed his foot to the floor, heading east. “Lort, Lort, Lort. Din Fjollede prins, hvorfor blev du ikke bag grÆnsen?” he said on repeat in Danish. Becca furrowed her brow and looked at Alisha for a translation. "He is cursing, calling Fredrick Stupid, and asking why he didn’t stay behind the border,” Alisha translated. The car came to a screeching halt, as Hendrick opened his door and ran to the wolves that were gathered. Alisha opened the back door and jumped out of the car, Becca hot on her heels. The sounds of growling and wolves fighting echoed around the pack, and both girls ran in the direction of the gathered wolves. Becca came to a halt, not quite believing what she was witnessing. The prince was facing off the rogues alone and was clearly not doing very well in the fight. “WHY ARE YOU NOT HELPING HIM!” She growled out, seeing Fredrick's wolf fighting alone. She watched on in horror, as he was overpowered by the rogues. “HENDRICK, GET YOUR ARSE IN THERE AND HELP YOUR PRINCE!” she bellowed again. “I cannot do that,” Hendrick said, his voice clearly laced with concern. “He is going to be killed!” Alisha added, witnessing two rogues biting down on his hind quarters, one on each side, causing Fredrick's wolf to let out a whimper. “We cannot go over the border to attack. Only royal wolves can attack in Noman’s land,” Hendrick explained. Becca watched on in horror as she saw one of the rogues jumping onto the back of Søren. “Well, I am a royal part Danish wolf,” Alisha shouted, then shifted into Mia, running across the border into the affray, instantly fighting with one of the rogues. “And I am a royal wolf, who doesn’t give a f**k!” Becca announced as she ran in her human form, grabbing one of the rogues who had his jaws clenched on Søren’s hind quarters, prizing them off him with her bare hands, and throwing him across the forest, with such force that when he hit a large pine tree, the trunk splintered, felling the tree. Becca ran towards the rogue, adrenaline mixed with excitement running through her veins. There was nothing quite as satisfying to her as killing rogues, each one she imagined was her C.U.N.T of a mate as she ended them. Before the animal could even scramble to his feet, she jumped on his back, and twisted his neck, breaking it. As the rogue turned back to human, she ran towards Fredrick once more. One of the rogues was about to bite down on his jugular, and Becca jumped, landing on its back, grabbing his jaw before it could make purchase on Søren’s throat. She pulled with all her might, separating the rogue's jaw as it let out a harrowing cry of pain, before ripping his head clean off. The Helsingør pack all gasped. Never had they seen anything quite like what they were witnessing. The royal princess in human form, killing rogues as if they were naught but annoying flies. Mia’s pure white fur dripped with the blood of her enemies before she approached Søren, who, although a little battered and bruised, was already beginning to heal all, be it slower than you would expect. Mia nuzzled under Søren’s snout, in a show of support and friendship for the Danish Royal Wolf. Fredrick watched through his wolf's eyes as Becca finished killing the last rogue with ease. The viciousness in the way she fought was almost fear-inducing, but she did it with such grace, it was like watching poetry in motion. “She is perfect Fredrick,” Søren praised Becca, as the wolf stood in awe of her magnificence. “Yes, but not our mate. Plus, she has just made us look weak to our pack. As if we are not humiliated enough!” Fredrick huffed. “What are you doing still lying down there? Get your f*****g royal pansy arse up!” Becca growled at Fredrick, disgusted that the prince had not stood up and shown at least some strength. Her words only added insult to injury as Fredrick struggled to stand, under the weight of his mate, now fully in the throws of passion once more. He grabbed hold of his chest, letting out a low groan of pain. “Becca no, there is clearly something wrong,” Alisha said, after shifting back from Mia. She crouched down as Fredrick turned his face, laced with agony, away in humiliation. “Your Majesty, please can you carry him over to us?” Hendrick shouted across to them, his voice laced with concern for Fredrick. Alisha looked at Becca, who simply nodded her head, as they turned Fredrick over, and scooped his naked body between their arms, and carried him back toward the pack lands. Becca felt disgusted with herself as her eyes automatically wandered between his legs, her lady parts instantly throbbing as she stared at his long thick manhood, she clenched her thighs together to try and gain some relief from the building pressure, and her breath began to labour slightly. Fredrick let out another groan, only this time, although it was still laced with pain, there was a certain amount of pleasure infused in the sound. However, the touch of Becca’s hands on his skin seemed to make the agony of his mate's infidelity more bearable, there were no sparks or tingles. “Eyes up princess,” his pained voice whispered to her. He would have chuckled, had he had some strength left. Becca felt the flush on her cheeks, having been caught looking at what was not hers, and obviously liking what she saw. How could she be attracted to this man? He was weak, unable to even stand, after fighting a few rogues, yet something about him called to her on a deeper level. It was beyond confusing, he was not her mate, so why was this happening to her? As they stepped back over the invisible border onto the Helsingør pack lands, Hendrick ran over, and took Fredrick from them, helping him to his feet. Fredrick felt his knees buckle, as another wave of pain washed over him. As soon as Becca’s hands no longer touched his skin, as his best friend and beta helped him back to his chalet. Becca and Alisha followed behind until they came to the front door of the prince’s home. “Does he need a healer?” Alisha asked, her voice laced with concern. “No, he will be okay soon,” Hendrick said. “Look, I am a healer, it is clear he is in pain, I can help,” Becca announced. For all she found the prince annoying, and her reaction to his body more than a little disturbing, she could not bear to leave someone in pain, when she could take that away from them with one kiss. “You cannot heal me; nobody can heal me!” Fredrick gritted out, as another wave of pain took his breath away. “I think she might be able to. She has the power to raise the dead with one single kiss,” Alisha defended her sister-in-law’s healing ability. “Your lips will not kiss me, nor will they heal me,” Fredrick cried out. The thought of Becca kissing him was a pleasant one, but he knew she could not bring him relief, and her lips connecting with his own would put Løna in a high degree of pain, and the woman was heavy with child. “Here, Crown Prince Tit Avoider, f**k you!” Becca angrily reacted to the slight from Fredrick. “Yeah, I saw you looking, I know you want to,” Fredrick couldn’t resist snapping back at her. “Trust me, I would, and have, had more fun with my vibrator than you could ever give me,” Becca snarled at him, hitting back, due to the embarrassment that he had caught her checking out his manhood. Fredrick did not know why, but suddenly his strength returned, and he hoped that his mate and her husband had finished their sexy time. He straightened up and stormed towards Becca, her eyes swirled with a mixture of anger and lust, and that sight did something primal to his body. “Yeah, that is right. You would have to own a vibrator because no man would want to f**k someone with a smart mouth like yours!” he growled, but the blood from his brain continued to head southward, his half-chub turning full salute. Sparing with the beautiful feisty princess was turning him on, making him hornier than he had felt in a very long time. Becca was enraged by his comments, and she wanted her revenge, but before she held eye contact with him, and extended her knee into his nut sack as punishment, she glanced down, seeing his large length becoming engorged, A flush of excitement rushed through her body, as she saw that the prince was indeed affected by her. Frustratingly, her lady parts throbbed and wept with need, but she chose to ignore her screaming v****a, which begged her to climb the prince and have hot angry s*x with him. The thought sent another shiver down her spine. A small smile teetered on her lips as she looked back up at him, tilting her head to one side, then casting her eyes southward again before looking up into his blue eyes, which were almost black with lust. She stared at him, directly into his eyes, and the small smile on her lips turned into a full knowing grin. “Yeah, tell that to your c**k. Because he seemed more than happy at the prospect of bending this body over. But, sorry to disappoint you, I would rather f**k a porcupine,” Becca sassed at him. Thick s****l tension filled the room, as Alisha stood open-mouthed, flipping her head back and forth between the warring pair, as if she were watching a tennis match. “Whatever floats your boat, princess.” Fredrick retorted, as Becca turned on her heel and stormed out of the prince’s chalet, before she climbed him like a monkey does a tree, leaving a shocked Alisha and Hendrick behind her. Just as Becca stepped over the threshold of his home, Fredrick once more collapsed to the floor, as the pain of infidelity took control of him again, and he half walked, half crawled towards his bed, Alisha turned and followed Becca, wondering what the hell was happening between the Crown Prince of Denmark and her Sister-in-law.
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