Chapter 65.

1977 Words

Chapter 65. Becca rolled her shoulders as she continued to read the laws and bylaws that any member of the Scandinavian royal family, unlike her brother Hamish, she found studying these types of things laborious and majorly boring. Even though she knew she had to power through, as it was important not to overstep, or create a problem because she didn’t understand the law. “Hi, I have some wienerbrød’s here, take a break,” Margi said, popping her head around the study door, carrying a tray of Danish Pastries, with a large pot of Tea and Coffee sitting on it. Her mouth watered as she looked at the one she had dubbed as ‘The Bakers Bad Eye’ a circular pastry, with yellow custard in the middle and a dollop of red jam in the centre, which tasted amazing. Picking it up she placed it on the sm

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