Chapter 77.

1882 Words

Chapter 77. Fredrick rounded his shoulders to relieve the tired ache, glancing at the clock on the wall. It was 3 am, and still he had not managed to make it up the stairs to join his beautiful mate in their bedroom. However, the truth was, that he was desperate to help Hamish and Zander in any way he could, and had happily volunteered his services for the greater good. They were up all night, working on puzzles that led to the clown's face appearing, and saving the image so that they could look for more hidden clues that may have previously been missed. However, each puzzle needed to be solved once again, and it was only Hamish who could do that with any kind of speed. Zander was able to crack some of the computer puzzles, under his son’s guidance, but Fredrick was lost in this technical

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