Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22. Fredrick looked out of the window, searching for danger, only to see Asher, Zander, and Teo walking back to the house. Zander looked a little sheepish, as Teo rolled his lips, clearly trying not to laugh. “What happened?” Alisha asked, heading over to Asher as he walked in from outside. His hand looked completely crushed, the fingers hanging at odd angles, as he held it in his other hand protectively, and the big strong Alpha King whimpered slightly, shaking his head in disbelief. Chloe walked over to Zander, and looked up at her mate, as he hung his head down in shame. “It was my fault, sorry son,” Zander whispered remorsefully. “Dad was hammering a nail into the wood, and I was holding it, keeping it in line, as the last three he hammered had gone in at a 45 degree a

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